Bug #89045 super_read_only changeable on a session
Submitted: 23 Dec 2017 19:02 Modified: 24 Dec 2017 19:38
Reporter: Oli Sennhauser Email Updates:
Status: Verified Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Options Severity:S4 (Feature request)
Version:5.7 OS:Any
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: super_read_only

[23 Dec 2017 19:02] Oli Sennhauser
I would like to have the variable super_read_only set on session level.
Reason: If I have a slave set with super_read_only=on and I want to set it up from scratch (mysqldump | mysql) I have to set super_read_only=off on a global level to perform this job. This gives other users / bad applications the possibility to interfere with my restore.

How to repeat:
set session super_read_only = { on | off }

Suggested fix:
set session super_read_only = { on | off }
[24 Dec 2017 17:49] MySQL Verification Team
Seems like a reasonable feature request.  

I will add that I'd like that every modification to read_only/super_read_only to be logged to the server error log so we can see who is setting it and when.
[24 Dec 2017 19:38] Oli Sennhauser
Hi Shane

I like your idea of the error log! You have my non-counting vote!

Merry Christmas!