Server start for the first time and works fine. When i shutted down OS and restart i can`t run mysql server. So i reinstalled XP. When i do this for the first time mysql works fine, but when i shut down - it was the same as last time.
(mysql admin starts but cant start server (mysqld)
How to repeat:
-Install windows XP (2002) profesional with some path (saser, blaster itd)
(no service pack 2)
-Instal mysql v. 4.0.17
-run mysql - and it will be work fine
-use mysql with PHP and WWW server
(install os commerce od another database)
(try install more then 1 database)
-shut down mysql (mysqladmin shutdown)
-restart XP
-try to run mysqld - i cant it run.
Suggested fix:
it is very funny but when it stop working on main (admin) account i can stil run
mysql server on guest accout.Whe i create another (admin or user accout) mysql dont work.
i think this is very serious bug because.
in fact i cant use mysql server at all, and it doesn`y shows any description
why he shoutted down - just notheing.