Bug #88334 Web community Installer fails to install MySQL Server 5.7.20
Submitted: 2 Nov 2017 16:29 Modified: 23 Aug 2019 14:28
Reporter: Emma O'Donnell Email Updates:
Status: Verified Impact on me:
Category:MySQL for Windows: Installer Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:5.7.20 OS:Windows (Windows 10)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: installation

[2 Nov 2017 16:29] Emma O'Donnell
Attempting to install MySQL Server 5.7.20 through the community installer consistently fails on my machine. The same is true of the 5.6.38 version (no other versions tested).

I have tried installing Server only as well as a custom selection of products.

When the installer runs I notice that a MySQL directory is created and populated initially within program files. Shortly afterwards, all files are removed from the directory and the mysql directory itself then deletes.

I have ensured that "Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable Package" (both x86 and x64) are installed on the system.

Other installations through the community installer are successful (WorkBench, connectors, shell all tested and fine).

I have tried running the installer with elevated permissions (ie with the application started from an elevated command prompt)

There has been another version of MySQL installed on this machine but I have completely uninstalled it (removed all products through Windows add/remove features and then deleted any mysql folders within Program Files, Program Files (x86), Program Data and Users/[user]/appdata/roaming)

The details section doesn't provide any information which I've been able to interpret:


1: Action 16:16:36: INSTALL. 
1: 1: MySQL Server 5.7 2: {81B27388-3733-4B65-8D84-AD9C9113B498} 
1: Action 16:16:36: FindRelatedProducts. Searching for related applications
1: Action 16:16:36: AppSearch. Searching for installed applications
1: Action 16:16:36: LaunchConditions. Evaluating launch conditions
1: Action 16:16:36: ValidateProductID. 
1: Action 16:16:36: CostInitialize. Computing space requirements
1: Action 16:16:36: FileCost. Computing space requirements
1: Action 16:16:36: CostFinalize. Computing space requirements
1: Action 16:16:36: MigrateFeatureStates. Migrating feature states from related applications
1: Action 16:16:36: InstallValidate. Validating install
1: Action 16:16:36: SaveTargetDir. 
1: Action 16:16:36: InstallInitialize. 
1: Action 16:16:36: RemoveExistingProducts. Removing applications
1: Action 16:16:36: ProcessComponents. Updating component registration
1: Action 16:16:37: GenerateScript. Generating script operations for action:
1: Updating component registration
1: Action 16:16:37: UnpublishFeatures. Unpublishing Product Features
1: Action 16:16:37: SchedSecureObjectsRollback. 
1: Action 16:16:37: RemoveRegistryValues. Removing system registry values
1: Action 16:16:37: RemoveShortcuts. Removing shortcuts
1: Action 16:16:37: RemoveFiles. Removing files
1: Action 16:16:37: RemoveFolders. Removing folders
1: Action 16:16:37: CreateFolders. Creating folders
1: Folder: Creating folders
1: Action 16:16:37: InstallFiles. Copying new files
1: File: Copying new files,  Directory: ,  Size: 
1: Action 16:16:38: RunPostInstallProperty. 
1: Action 16:16:38: RunPostInstall. 
1: Action 16:16:38: CreateShortcuts. Creating shortcuts
1: Shortcut: Creating shortcuts
1: Action 16:16:38: WriteRegistryValues. Writing system registry values
1: Key: Writing system registry values, Name: , Value: 
1: Action 16:16:38: InstallServices. Installing new services
1: Action 16:16:38: SchedSecureObjects. 
1: Action 16:16:38: ExecSecureObjects. 
1: Action 16:16:38: RegisterUser. Registering user
1: Action 16:16:38: RegisterProduct. Registering product
1: Registering product
1: Action 16:16:38: PublishFeatures. Publishing Product Features
1: Feature: Publishing Product Features
1: Action 16:16:38: PublishProduct. Publishing product information
1: Action 16:16:38: InstallFinalize. 
1: Action 16:16:38: ProcessComponents. Updating component registration
1: Action 16:16:38: CreateFolders. Creating folders
1: Folder: C:\ProgramData\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.7\
1: Folder: C:\ProgramData\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.7\data\
1: Folder: C:\ProgramData\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.7\data\mysql\
1: Folder: C:\ProgramData\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.7\data\performance_schema\
1: Folder: C:\ProgramData\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.7\data\test\
1: Action 16:16:39: InstallFiles. Copying new files
1: File: innochecksum.exe,  Directory: C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.7\bin\,  Size: 4829184
1: File: libmecab.dll,  Directory: C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.7\bin\,  Size: 1839616
--------------------TRUNCATED FOR BREVITY---------------------------------
1: File: errmsg.sys,  Directory: C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.7\share\swedish\,  Size: 77346
1: File: errmsg.sys,  Directory: C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.7\share\ukrainian\,  Size: 86405
1: Action 16:16:43: RunPostInstall. 
1: Action 16:16:43: CreateShortcuts. Creating shortcuts
1: Shortcut: icon.ico
1: Shortcut: Icon.MysqlCmdShell
1: Shortcut: rhj5cnaj|MySQL 5.7 Command Line Client
1: Shortcut: b7npydg0|MySQL 5.7 Command Line Client - Unicode
1: Action 16:16:43: WriteRegistryValues. Writing system registry values
1: Key: \SOFTWARE\MySQL AB\MySQL Server 5.7, Name: Location, Value: C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.7\
1: Key: \SOFTWARE\MySQL AB\MySQL Server 5.7, Name: Version, Value: 5.7.20
1: Key: \SOFTWARE\MySQL AB\MySQL Server 5.7, Name: DataLocation, Value: C:\ProgramData\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.7\
1: Key: \SOFTWARE\MySQL AB\MySQL Server 5.7, Name: , Value: 
1: Key: \Console\MySQL 5.7 Command Line Client - Unicode, Name: FaceName, Value: Lucida Console
1: Key: \Console\MySQL 5.7 Command Line Client - Unicode, Name: FontWeight, Value: #400
1: Key: \Console\MySQL 5.7 Command Line Client - Unicode, Name: , Value: 
1: Key: \Software\MySQL AB\MySQL Server 5.7, Name: installed, Value: #1
1: Action 16:16:43: ExecSecureObjects. 
1: Action 16:16:43: Rollback. Rolling back action:
1: ExecSecureObjects
1: Writing system registry values
1: Creating shortcuts
1: RunPostInstall
1: Copying new files
1: Creating folders
1: Updating component registration
1: 1: MySQL Server 5.7 2: {81B27388-3733-4B65-8D84-AD9C9113B498} 3: 3 
1: The action 'Install' for product 'MySQL Server 5.7.20' failed.


I can provide the full details text/log file if it would be helpful

How to repeat:
Run the community web installer to install a Web Server
[3 Nov 2017 6:05] Chiranjeevi Battula
Hello  Emma,

Thank you for the bug report.
This is most likely duplicate of Bug #85908, please see Bug #85908

[16 Nov 2017 12:32] Rene Pizur

I have the same error on Win10:
1: Copying new files
1: Creating folders
1: Updating component registration
1: 1: MySQL Server 5.7 2: {81B27388-3733-4B65-8D84-AD9C9113B498} 3: 3 
1: The action 'Install' for product 'MySQL Server 5.7.20' failed.

Position: -475
Position: -476
Position: -477
1: MySQL Server 5.7 2: {81B27388-3733-4B65-8D84-AD9C9113B498} 3: 3 

I do not see how this should be connected to Bug #85908
when it says nothing about Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable (I have installed both x64 and x86 version 12.0.40660).

Thanks for your help
[28 Nov 2017 21:43] Jeffrey Fillian
I concur. I am having the same odd installation error and I am not getting any message about Visual Studio 2013. I do find the last line with multiple numbers curious though. I have in fact installed visual studio full version on my machine and I continue to get the error. I have attempted to install with and without an administrative account.
[12 Dec 2017 20:59] Emmanuel Ohannessian
Hello, I can't install the server either. I have Windows 10 on a Samsung Laptop.

1: Action 15:44:27: INSTALL. 
1: 1: MySQL Server 5.7 2: {81B27388-3733-4B65-8D84-AD9C9113B498} 
1: Action 15:44:27: FindRelatedProducts. Searching for related applications
1: Action 15:44:27: AppSearch. Searching for installed applications
1: Action 15:44:27: LaunchConditions. Evaluating launch conditions
1: This application requires Visual Studio 2013 Redistributable. Please install the Redistributable then run this installer again.
1: 1: MySQL Server 5.7 2: {81B27388-3733-4B65-8D84-AD9C9113B498} 3: 3 
1: The action 'Install' for product 'MySQL Server 5.7.20' failed.
[19 Dec 2017 13:30] Todd Cloutier
I'm having the same installation problem. Attempted all of the fixes from the other referenced bug. Even refreshed Windows 10 to a clean install with no change in results.
Hardware: Dell XPS13 9365, i7-7Y75 processor (just in case there's a hardware dependence here somewhere).
Has anyone with this same problem had any luck with the non-Community version of the MySQL Server install?
[19 Dec 2017 13:41] Emma O'Donnell
I eventually got this working through a manual install. Follow the steps below:


1) Remove all traces of MySQL: https://old.windowsvalley.com/uninstall-mysql-from-windows/  (I also cleared all temp folders and removed Registry keys which mentioned "mysql" where they weren't tied to a microsoft product such as blender or VS)

2) Restart machine

3) It's possible you have to download and install the C++ 2013 redistributable files from here: https://www.microsoft.com/en-in/download/confirmation.aspx?id=40784 (unconfirmed, the installer requires you install both 32 and 64 bit versions but may not apply to a manual install)

4) Download the most up to date version of MySQL server as a zip file from: https://dev.mysql.com/downloads/mysql/

5) This video is basically pretty good for the manual install: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P99dA0yGY8g&index=1&list=LLxzv2lB23E-5P4MsPmjwEZQ  Note that the default config file isn't created and so when he gets to the step with my.ini, you'll need to pause the video and manually create the file (ie type out what his file shows and save it in the right place with the right name)

6) Next need to manually create the my.cnf file. I used this as a basis and put it in the same location as my.ini: https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/en/SSYQ72_10.0.2/com.ibm.help.suiteinstall1002...

7) Then run mysqld --console. Look for error messages and adjust the cnf file by changing/removing anything causing the error messages

8) Then use the community installer to install workbench and any connectors


Good luck all - hope this saves you some time.
[9 Jul 2019 13:59] nisha suteri
I faced this today, and below solution helped me. Hope it helps someone.
Simple workaround (there's a bug in msi install sequence file):

1.download and install the server through the web installer and let it failed

2.open C:\ProgramData\MySQL\MySQL Installer for Windows\Product Cache\mysql-5.7.20-winx64.exe or download msi installer from CDN (you can take the correct url from the installer logs)

3.install the mysql-5.7.20-winx64.exe but exclude "Server Data Files"

4.re-run the web installer and click "Quick Action / Reconfigure" and configure you mysql instance
[23 Aug 2019 14:28] Jose Ramirez Ruiz
This is not a duplicate of bug Bug #85908 as that other bug is related to installing MySQL for Visual Studio Plugin. I'm reopening it so the MySQL Installer team can review it. It is possible that the issue is on MySQL Server, if that is the case the bug will be redirected to them.
