I am using mysql version 4.0.13 and have a database using InnoDB tables with foreign keys referencing them. I am using the MySQL Connector/J 3.0.8 JDBC driver to access the database with java version 1.4.1_03. I have implemented foreign keys correctly because I can see them when I use: SHOW CREATE TABLE table_name;
When I use the method DatabaseMetaData.getImportedKeys(null, null, tablename) it returns an empty RowSet.
After a bit of mucking around I noticed a problem with the code in DatabaseMetaData class in the mysql-connector-java-3.0.8-stable-bin jar.
This is the problem:
If I use DatabaseMetaData.getImportedKeys(null, null, tablename), it queries the database like so: SHOW CREATE TABLE tablename;
(okay so far)
Now this returns a RowSet where there is a line like so:
The java code first trims this String (removes whitespaces either side) and then calls:
if (line.startsWith("FOREIGN KEY")) { //...get foreign keys
This is a problem because as you can see above the line starts with "CONSTRAINT `0_44`" not "FOREIGN KEY"
for this line of code see method: DatabaseMetaData.extractForeignKeyForTable() and it's about 10 lines into the method.
See suggested fix.
How to repeat:
To repeat use the same versions as I have used above and try and retrieve foreign key information via a java app.
Suggested fix:
Original code in method DatabaseMetaData.extractForeignKeyForTable():
if (line.startsWith("FOREIGN KEY")) {
Replacement code:
int index;
if ((index = line.indexOf("FOREIGN KEY")) != -1) {
line = line.substring(index, line.length());
This replacement code works fine for me and my application, but I haven't tested it with different versions etc though.