Bug #88143 | OpenRecordset leaking memory client side on Windows ODBC Client | ||
Submitted: | 18 Oct 2017 19:20 | Modified: | 4 Apr 2018 20:15 |
Reporter: | Philip D'Ath | Email Updates: | |
Status: | Closed | Impact on me: | |
Category: | Connector / ODBC | Severity: | S1 (Critical) |
Version: | 5.2.7, 5.3.7, 5.3.9 | OS: | Windows (Server 2012) |
Assigned to: | Bogdan Degtyariov | CPU Architecture: | Any |
[18 Oct 2017 19:20]
Philip D'Ath
[18 Oct 2017 21:45]
Philip D'Ath
I forgot to mention, in the ODBC32 control panel only the following options are ticked: * Enable dynamic cursors * Return matches rows instead of affected rows
[25 Oct 2017 19:26]
Philip D'Ath
Bump. Any chance of confirming this bug? The constant crashing through memory exhaustion on the client side is pretty painful.
[21 Nov 2017 12:18]
Bogdan Degtyariov
Hi Philip, Sorry for the late reply. Thank you for your bug report. The bug is verified. We are working on finding the solution.
[8 Dec 2017 4:34]
Philip D'Ath
Bump. How are you going with this one?
[13 Dec 2017 9:39]
Bogdan Degtyariov
Posted by developer: Memory leak happened because of a bug inside get_session_variable() function, which does not free result in case of error.
[13 Dec 2017 9:43]
Bogdan Degtyariov
Posted by developer: The fix is pushed into the source tree.
[13 Dec 2017 11:25]
Philip D'Ath
I was going to try and pull the source code to compile it to test the fix. But I can't see any changes. Should it be here? https://github.com/mysql/mysql-connector-odbc
[13 Dec 2017 20:24]
Philip D'Ath
Alternatively, would it be possible to get the patched 32 bit ODBC driver so we can test the fix?
[21 Dec 2017 23:54]
Philip Olson
Posted by developer: Fixed as of the upcoming MySQL Connector/ODBC 5.3.10 release and here's the changelog entry: Fixed an OpenRecordSet memory leak due to get_session_variable() not freeing a result for errors. Thank you for the bug report. Philip (nice name BTW, especially the part with just one 'l'), sorry but I am not sure when the release will happen but suspect the holidays will delay things a bit. The github repo is only updated during the release. I'm afraid you'll have to wait a few more weeks or so.
[4 Apr 2018 5:04]
andrew turnbull
Does this bug apply to ADODB recordsets also?
[4 Apr 2018 20:15]
Philip D'Ath
I think it would also apply to ADODB.