Bug #88122 WorkBench Crashes on exit following open/close of the Scripting Shell.
Submitted: 17 Oct 2017 13:03 Modified: 18 Apr 2018 7:09
Reporter: Simon Cummings Email Updates:
Status: Verified Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:6.3.9 & 6.3.10 OS:Windows (10 Release 1607 using APPV.)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: APPV, ScriptingShell, windows10

[17 Oct 2017 13:03] Simon Cummings
I am using Windows 10 1607 and the AppV sequencer for 1607.

The WorkBench 6.3.9 has been sequenced for deployment via SCCM.

The following Application Log error event is generated:
Source:                     Application Error
Event ID:                   1000
Task Category:              (100)
Keyword:                    Classic
Faulting Application Name:  MySQLWorkBench.exe, Version
Faulting Module Name:       KERNELBASE.dll Versio 10.0.14393.1358
Exception Code:             0xc0020001
Fault Offset:               0x0000000000033c58
Faulting Process ID:        0x331c
Faulting Application Path:  C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Microsoft\AppV\Client\Integration\<GUID>\Root\VFS\ProgramFilesX64\MySQL\MySQL WorkBench 6.3 CE\MySQLWorkBench.exe
Faulting Module Path:       C:\Windows\System32\KERNELBASE.dll

How to repeat:
1. Install the pre-requisites

2. Using the Microsoft AppV Sequencer, install the MySQL WorkBench 6.9.3 application.
   msiexec /i "mysql-workbench-community-6.3.9-winx64.msi" ALLUSERS=1 /qb

3. Take the resulting AppV package, import as an application into Config Manager 2012.

4. Deploy to user.

5. Launch the WorkBench.

6. Launch the Script Shell (Ctrl+F3)

7. Close the script Shell (ALT+F4)

8. Close the WorkBench Application (ALT+F4).

The application will then report:  "MySQL Workbench has stopped working)".

Suggested fix:
Not known.
[17 Oct 2017 13:12] Simon Cummings
Additional information:
The WB.log file logs the following as part of the executable crash.

<TIMESTAMP> [INF][Workbench]: UI is up
<TIMESTAMP> [ERR][grt]: Invalid path element 'doc' in path: /wb/doc/physicalModels/0/catalog
<TIMESTAMP> [INF][Workbench]: Shutting down Workbench
[17 Oct 2017 13:17] MySQL Verification Team
Hello Simon Cummings,

Thank you for the report and steps.
Observed this even on Win7 with provided steps.

[24 Oct 2017 9:16] Simon Cummings
Hi Umesh,

As this is stopping the release of this application to 140 users, could you please confirm the following:

1.  Estimate fix time
2.  When this issue presents, no data or work processed is lost? 

Many thanks,

[5 Jan 2018 10:38] Simon Cummings

Has there been any progress on this issue?

Many thanks,

[5 Jan 2018 15:45] Mike Lischke
This will be fixed as part of the next Workbench release.
[18 Apr 2018 7:09] Simon Cummings
Have confirmed this issue still exists in 6.3.10 and also applies to 1709 Release of Windows 10.

This is now affecting many users on site, whilst not critical, this does look somewhat unprofessional where the application crashes (in the defined circumstances) every time.

Whilst we did not release 6.3.9 to the general population in anticipation of 6.3.10, the Devs requested a newer version (upgrading from 5.2.40 CE), so we've had to release it.

An update would be very much appreciated.

