Bug #88099 Synchronize Model crash... with more than 6 physical schemas !URGENT
Submitted: 15 Oct 2017 4:26 Modified: 13 Aug 2018 19:01
Reporter: Brian Harrison-Dorval Email Updates:
Status: Verified Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench: Modeling Severity:S1 (Critical)
Version:8.0.12 OS:MacOS (macOS 10.13.6)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: WBBugReporter

[15 Oct 2017 4:26] Brian Harrison-Dorval
I try to synchronize a model but it crash again and again right after getting the schema list (screen: Connect to DBMS and fetch information) when clicking on Continue it crash!
And nothing is logged on why it crash it just crash without any crash datas...

It was working well last week and since a couple of days it crash without any reason and I didn't change anything on my mysql server or my workbench configurations. 
Sometimes it work... and if I retry it don't... but it crash more than it work.

How to repeat:
I don't know... try to synchronize a model... but I have no idea what cause this...
I don't have any log that is telling me what happen except the Mac OS X report.
[15 Oct 2017 4:27] Brian Harrison-Dorval
Mac OS X crash report

Attachment: workbench_crash.rtf (text/rtf), 87.94 KiB.

[15 Oct 2017 4:27] Brian Harrison-Dorval
Workbench log

Attachment: wb.log (application/octet-stream, text), 1.95 KiB.

[15 Oct 2017 4:44] Brian Harrison-Dorval
Ok, I have more info after doing some testing...

My model have 7 physical schemas... if I remove one it work, if I add one it crash???

Any idea WHY?
[15 Oct 2017 4:48] Brian Harrison-Dorval
My model have 7 physical schemas... if I remove one it work, if I add one it crash.
[16 Oct 2017 12:23] MySQL Verification Team
Hello Brian,

Thank you for the report and feedback.
May I request you to please attach your model file here to reproduce the issue at our end? Please mark it as private after posting here if you prefer.

[16 Oct 2017 12:58] Brian Harrison-Dorval
In fact you can reproduce it by creating 7 physical schemas in a new model file and try to Synchronize Model with one of you database.
In my case it could work the first time I connect to a new database and after it crash.

I will add a zip with my test model file and it's crashing with 7 physical schemas but if you remove one it stop crashing.

FYI : I did my test with MySQL Server 5.6

Thanks for the help :)
[16 Oct 2017 12:59] Brian Harrison-Dorval
My test model with some print screen

Attachment: Test_Model_Crash.zip (application/zip, text), 172.54 KiB.

[16 Oct 2017 13:18] MySQL Verification Team
Thank you, Brian.
With the provided model file, I'm able to reproduce the issue at my end on macOS 10.12.x. As you noted rightly, first time there is no issues in synchronizing, subsequent attempt triggers the issue.

[24 Oct 2017 20:26] Brian Harrison-Dorval
Any progress on this ticket?

I'm stuck, I can't continue to work without making a copy of my files and deleting shemas...
That's not a really great workaround...
[17 Nov 2017 19:40] Brian Harrison-Dorval
Still no progress on this one?

I have to use the windows version in a virtual machine and seriously it's painful :P
I was hoping to have a fix on the 6.3.10...
[18 Dec 2017 17:55] Brian Harrison-Dorval
Is there any way you could fix this soon?
Or anyway I can contribute at fixing it?
Or get any update about this one... it's really an important bug for us!
[13 Aug 2018 19:01] Brian Harrison-Dorval
Any progress???  Feedback???
[19 Jul 2019 12:34] Collin Stowell
Could this please get some attention? It's frustrating and it happens on every Mac device of mine, and almost every time I try to use "Database -> Synchronize with Any Model"

For me the process goes, "Database -> Reverse Engineer", then "Database -> Synchronize with Any Model", after selecting source and target schemas (both live databases), it attempts to pull both schemas, then crashes before doing the comparison/synchronization setup. It definitely is a bug...
[19 Jul 2019 12:35] Collin Stowell
Just as a follow up, i'm using the latest version of macOS (10.14.5 - Mojave) and the 8.0.16 build of Workbench. This issue also happens on other versions of macOS so I believe it to just be a bug with Workbench.
[3 May 2022 13:22] Karel Kühpast
I have a similar problem.
If I synchronize views or procedures with another database, sometimes the schema of that other database is displayed, which, however, does not contain anything. When I remove this blank scheme, when I reopen the model, Workbench starts crashing when I try to open the editing of some views or procedures. No further synchronization can be performed with the model. It crashes while checking the schema with the database.

Om Workbench Version 8.0.28 and 8.0.29