Bug #88094 Cannot add a user with your piece of **** MySQL Admin GUI tool
Submitted: 14 Oct 2017 6:44 Modified: 14 Oct 2017 22:44
Reporter: Heval Ozer Email Updates:
Status: Won't fix Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server Severity:S1 (Critical)
Version:5.7.18 OS:Any
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[14 Oct 2017 6:44] Heval Ozer
I cannot add a new user from the MySQL Administrator GUI.

It is beyond me how you people shipped this product out without testing such an unbelievably trivial feature - and it is equally bizarre how no one has ever found this bug before.

My system:
Windows 10 Pro 64 bit
MySQL 5718

How to repeat:
1) Go to MySQL Administrator GUI
2) Go to "User Administration"
3) Add a user - add user name / password etc
4) Click Apply Changes and receive the following error messages:

 dialog box pops up saying: "Error while storing the user information. The user might have been deleted. Please refresh the user list."

command line error: "** Message: save user: error adding new user entry"
[14 Oct 2017 6:55] Heval Ozer
How could this not have been spotted already in all these years?
[14 Oct 2017 6:56] Heval Ozer
In your bug reporting page, why would you not have "MySQL Administrator GUI" in a category on it's own?!?!
[14 Oct 2017 10:03] Peter Laursen
"MySQL Administrator" has been discontinued for at least 5 years. It was a tool for MySQL 5.0.x.  There is no guarantee that it will work with recent servers.

There are other GUI tools ... 

-- Peter
-- not a MySQL/Oracle person
[14 Oct 2017 22:44] MySQL Verification Team
Thank you for the bug report. Please use WorkBench instead:
