Bug #8767 Submitter was asked to perform impossible function on bug tracker
Submitted: 24 Feb 2005 5:03 Modified: 24 Feb 2005 17:07
Reporter: Eric Wilde Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Websites: bugs.mysql.com Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:all OS:Any (all)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[24 Feb 2005 5:03] Eric Wilde
I was asked by you to change the status of but #6536 to open.  There is no way that I can see to do this.  Either you should open bugs automatically when the submitter adds comments to them, give the submitter a way to change a bug's status or stop asking the submitter to do something that is impossible.

Also, I'd appreciate it if you'd change the status of this bug to open, since it is in no way shape or form fixed.


How to repeat:
Go to your Web site and try to change the status of a bug, as Joe User.

Suggested fix:
Allow bug submitter to alter status of bugs to certain acceptable states (e.g. from suspended to open).
[24 Feb 2005 8:07] Heikki Tuuri

I have now changed that bug to 'open' again.

Users can always file new bug reports. That is a way to 're-open' a bug if a developer does not open it.


[24 Feb 2005 17:07] Jim Winstead
Heikki is incorrect -- that the reporter was not able to change the status of their bug back to open (or closed) was a bug that has now been fixed. Reporting a new bug is not the correct way to re-open a bug.

Sorry for the inconvenience (and confusion).