Bug #87529 Optional parameters support in stored procedures
Submitted: 24 Aug 2017 13:53 Modified: 24 Aug 2017 15:17
Reporter: Seb A Email Updates:
Status: Verified Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Stored Routines Severity:S4 (Feature request)
Version:ALL OS:Any
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[24 Aug 2017 13:53] Seb A
This is intentionally a duplicate of Bug #15975, which has been outstanding for 12 years, and a former MySQL developer said on [25 Dec 2005 6:22] (bad timing perhaps): 'Thank you for a useful feature request. By optional parameter you mean the one with default value, I believe... So, that the value for it can be ommited in the SP call. Oracle's PL/SQL also has this feature. I think it should be implemented as soon as possible to simplify migration from other RDBMS to MySQL 5.' and there has been no update from any MySQL developers since then AFAICT. The reason for the duplicate is because the original bug needs changing from Windows to Any OS and from Verion 5.0 to ALL. And then, beyond that, it just needs to get some developer time!  How hard can it be?  Every other database can do it.

How to repeat:
Feature request
[24 Aug 2017 15:17] MySQL Verification Team

This feature request is verified and assigned .....