Bug #8723 Bugs with MySQL.prefPane (4.1.10 on 10.3.8)
Submitted: 23 Feb 2005 9:18 Modified: 1 Jun 2005 13:57
Reporter: adren aline Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:4.1.10 OS:MacOS (Mac OS X 10.3.8)
Assigned to: Alfredo Kojima CPU Architecture:Any

[23 Feb 2005 9:18] adren aline
Open MySQL.prefPane after installing it into System Preferences. It says "The MySQL Server Instance is running", with "running" in green. Oddly, the button to the right of it says "Start MySQL Server". Top reports that MySQL is in fact *not* running. I have "Automatically Start MySQL Server on Startup" checked below.

How to repeat:
When I reboot, despite having "Automatically Start MySQL Server on Startup" checked, this is always the state I am left with: The prefPane reporting the server is "running", the button giving me the option to start the server, top reporting that it isn't actually running, and the checkbox properly checked.
[23 Feb 2005 9:31] adren aline
Changed OS to match existing reports
[17 Mar 2005 12:51] adren aline
This is actually an important issue for us. Is there a way to find out who's responsible for the prefPane code so that we could contact them directly regarding this?
[22 May 2005 3:12] Brent
Yeah, this is still broken in 4.1.11 and Mac OS X 10.3.9 -- and when the checkbox is not checked to automatically start, this is pane redendered pretty much useless.
[24 May 2005 1:51] Alfredo Kojima
I have made some changes to how it works and fixed some problems I was having under Tiger along the way. Please download and test the following:


and reply whether it's working as it should, so I can request it to be included in the next server releases.

Thank you for the report.
[1 Jun 2005 13:57] Alfredo Kojima
Assuming the fix has worked, closing bug.
[1 Jun 2005 20:36] adren aline
sorry, ive been out of town. i no longer have access to the xserve to test this so i cant say if this fixes it or not.
[8 Jun 2005 19:57] Brent
I've since ugraded to Tiger 10.4.1 and the revised prefpane works great!