Bug #86714 generate_sql_file.sh still generates a line with sql_log_bin with -b option
Submitted: 15 Jun 2017 10:55 Modified: 15 Jun 2017 11:48
Reporter: Miguel Angel Nieto Email Updates:
Status: Verified Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: SYS Schema Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:5.6.36, 5.7.18 OS:Any
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[15 Jun 2017 10:55] Miguel Angel Nieto
If you generate a file using these parameters:

./generate_sql_file.sh -v 56 -b -u CURRENT_USER

The import will still fail because this is added as last line:

"SET @@sql_log_bin = @sql_log_bin;"

So you need to remove it manually to finally import the file. If -b is used, then there should be not such line.

How to repeat:
Generate a file using the script and try to import it on RDS instance. It will fail because of the last line.

Suggested fix:
Don't add the last line.
[15 Jun 2017 11:48] MySQL Verification Team
Hello Miguel,

Thank you for the report and feedback!
