Bug #86355 alter table that adds generated column and index crashes and deletes table
Submitted: 17 May 2017 13:02 Modified: 17 Jun 2017 17:00
Reporter: Marlin Forbes Email Updates:
Status: No Feedback Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: DDL Severity:S1 (Critical)
Version:5.7.16 OS:Red Hat (RDS backed so the OS is a guess)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: aws, RDS

[17 May 2017 13:02] Marlin Forbes
Firstly let me start off by saying I realize this is a bug report for an older version of MySQL. However, that being said, this specific version is installed across all AWS RDS tiers as the default, so it's definitely a critical issue. 

One of our SQL migrations repeatably caused a segfault in an RDS instance of MySQL Server 5.7.16, which resulted in the deletion of the table being operated on.

We experienced this error on the client side once it hit the relevant SQL:

    SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] Connection refused

And on the server-side this logging occurred: 


And finally (and fatally), the 'users' table disappeared. The MySQL administrator still lists the table as present, but you cannot select from it or alter it without experiencing this error:

    Error Code: 1146: Table 'dbname.users' doesn't exist

How to repeat:
1. Create a table called 'users' with a nullable JSON column called 'properties'.
2. Add some random data into the column (including a property for quantity with a mixture of INT and NULL), ensuring that you have a sizeable volume of records. Our table has around 400k records with varying data in that column.
3. Try to execute the following SQL:

    ALTER TABLE users
        ADD COLUMN quantity INT GENERATED ALWAYS AS (properties->"$.quantity"),
        ADD INDEX users_quantity_idx(quantity)

Suggested fix:
    ALTER TABLE users ADD COLUMN quantity INT GENERATED ALWAYS AS (properties->"$.quantity");
    ALTER TABLE users ADD INDEX users_quantity_idx(quantity);

Splitting the ALTER into individual statements works, hinting at a race condition between the column and the index creation within one statement.
[17 May 2017 14:04] MySQL Verification Team
Thank you for the bug report. Please try current version released 5.7.18, if still the issue happens provide a complete test case not just describing it (create table, insert data, query). Thanks.
[17 May 2017 14:06] Marlin Forbes
The issue does not occur with 5.7.18, so something fixed it recently.
[17 May 2017 14:10] Marlin Forbes
Sorry, a clarification is needed. I have not experienced this locally on my machine with 5.7.18.

However, I also cannot duplicate this bug using 5.7.16 locally either, it only happens on RDS.

So it is entirely possible that this bug could still exist and will exhibit on RDS with most recent version as well. This is not possible to prove currently with RDS stuck at 5.7.16.
[17 May 2017 14:42] MySQL Verification Team
Thank you for the feedback. Anyway would be nice you provide the complete test case so we could try too, also to have the my.cnf where it crashes could help to repeat. Thanks.
[17 May 2017 15:14] Marlin Forbes
I will have a look at creating a scriptable test case, it will take a little though.

I have now seen that the latest version of RDS on AWS is 5.6.17, not 5.6.16 as I thought.
[17 May 2017 15:33] MySQL Verification Team
Please reopen this bug report when the script test case is ready. Thanks in advance.
[17 May 2017 16:10] Marlin Forbes
Tested this issue against the newer RDS version using 5.7.17. Same issue...

[17 May 2017 17:00] MySQL Verification Team
Waiting for script test case.
[18 Jun 2017 1:00] Bugs System
No feedback was provided for this bug for over a month, so it is
being suspended automatically. If you are able to provide the
information that was originally requested, please do so and change
the status of the bug back to "Open".