Bug #86141 Workbench 6.3 no longer offers PKs and FKs only table v in model diagram
Submitted: 29 Apr 2017 16:44 Modified: 6 Jul 2017 18:02
Reporter: Peter Brawley (Basic Quality Contributor) Email Updates:
Status: Verified Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench: Modeling Severity:S4 (Feature request)
Version:6.3 OS:Any
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[29 Apr 2017 16:44] Peter Brawley
Before 6.3 it did.

It's a serious usability issue.

How to repeat:
Create a model with a dozen or more tables, and try to get all relationships on screen.
[9 May 2017 2:01] MySQL Verification Team
Thank you for the bug report. I don't understand what are you reporting here, could you please provide a screenshot which shows that issue and the model project file so I will test with 6.3.9. Thanks in advance.
[9 May 2017 17:32] Peter Brawley
When a model has a score or more tables, we need a one-click method to switch between (i) seeing all columns in a sub-rectangle of the model, and (ii) seeing just table names and keys for the whole model while maintaining as much readability as model size allows; in mode (ii), adding a relationship would temporarily show all columns to pick a relationship key from. Now, getting a whole model on screen requires zooming down to unreadability, or editing model->options->diagram->max columns, which is cumbersome and not what's needed.

(Can't attach an img as requested in Contributions, apparently this isn't an open bug)
[9 May 2017 17:54] MySQL Verification Team
Thank you for the feedback. To attach a picture you use the Files tab (not Contributions) you can attach the file private if you wish). Thanks.
[9 May 2017 18:48] Peter Brawley
unreadable eer diag showing all tbls

Attachment: wb-nwib.png (image/png, text), 91.85 KiB.

[6 Jul 2017 12:01] Chiranjeevi Battula
Hello  Peter Brawley,

Thank you for your feedback.
Verified this behavior on MySQL Workbench in 6.3.9 version

[6 Jul 2017 12:01] Chiranjeevi Battula

Attachment: 86141.JPG (image/jpeg, text), 193.67 KiB.

[6 Jul 2017 18:02] Peter Brawley
Miguel says he does not understand the problem. 

I don't understand what he doesn't understand. Put most simply, it's that when a model has many tables, say about 20 or more, the thing becomes unreadable. We need a one-click method to switch between seeing all columns/table and seeing just PK and FK columns/table.

IIRC WB once had this., The request is to make the feature available.


[9 May 2:01] Miguel Solorzano

Thank you for the bug report. I don't understand what are you reporting
here, could you please provide a screenshot which shows that issue and
the model project file so I will test with 6.3.9. Thanks in advance.
[24 Jul 2017 8:11] Mike Lischke
This is actually a feature request. WB never had a one click solution to hide/show columns for all tables in a diagram.