Bug #8580 Test case 'innodb' fails on linux ia64
Submitted: 17 Feb 2005 17:23 Modified: 17 Feb 2005 18:02
Reporter: Kent Boortz Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server Severity:S1 (Critical)
Version:5.0.3-pre OS:Linux (Linux ia64)
Assigned to: Heikki Tuuri CPU Architecture:Any

[17 Feb 2005 17:23] Kent Boortz
Test case 'innodb' fails on linux ia64

*** r/innodb.result      Tue Feb 15 23:38:03 2005
10016: --- r/innodb.reject      Thu Feb 17 10:13:25 2005
10017: ***************
10018: *** 1720,1726 ****
10019:   Innodb_rows_inserted   31708
10020:   show status like "Innodb_rows_read";
10021:   Variable_name  Value
10022: ! Innodb_rows_read       80162
10023:   show status like "Innodb_rows_updated";
10024:   Variable_name  Value
10025:   Innodb_rows_updated    29530
10026: --- 1720,1726 ----
10027:   Innodb_rows_inserted   31708
10028:   show status like "Innodb_rows_read";
10029:   Variable_name  Value
10030: ! Innodb_rows_read       80179
10031:   show status like "Innodb_rows_updated";
10032:   Variable_name  Value
10033:   Innodb_rows_updated    29530
10034: -------------------------------------------------------

How to repeat:
Run the test case on the specified targets.
[17 Feb 2005 18:02] Heikki Tuuri

I removed the whole test for that status variable. Maybe some indeterminism that results from different optimizations.
