Bug #84899 MySQL Workbench does not quit after last tab is closed
Submitted: 8 Feb 2017 20:43 Modified: 9 Feb 2017 8:57
Reporter: Jonathan Shyman Email Updates:
Status: Verified Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:6.3.9 OS:MacOS
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: quit tabs

[8 Feb 2017 20:43] Jonathan Shyman
Clicking the close button (x) on the upper-left of the Workbench screen does not quit the app; it minimizes it.

How to repeat:
Open MySQL Workbench
Click the close button (x) in the top-left, right below the Apple menu
App minimizes to Dock instead of quitting

Suggested fix:
App should quit when closed or there should at least be an option to quit the app if the x is clicked.
[8 Feb 2017 21:05] MySQL Verification Team
Thank you for the bug report. Sorry but that's the behavior I noticed on last MAC OS's now Sierra if I want to quit actually an application I need to use command Q or from main menu drop menu Quit (Application) the application doesn't go to the dock like the yellow button does but if you use command+tab you see the application and it remains in the main menu. Please check iTunes too. Thanks.
[8 Feb 2017 21:18] MySQL Verification Team
Please read: https://discussions.apple.com/thread/3826532?tstart=0. Thanks.
[8 Feb 2017 21:36] Jonathan Shyman
Thanks for the comment.

Interesting that some applications do quit when closed and others do not.

MySQL Workbench 6.1.7, for example, does quit when closed as did 6.3.8. This is why I opened a bug report.

If this is expected behavior though, due to the changes to make this compatible with mocOS Sierra or is a new design paradigm, I can understand.

[9 Feb 2017 8:27] Mike Lischke
Probably a change in the APIs for macOS. I'm sure we can do something about that. Miguel, please mark this report verified etc.
[9 Feb 2017 8:57] MySQL Verification Team
Thank you for the feedback.
[17 Apr 2017 15:51] MySQL Verification Team
https://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=85974 marked as duplicate of this one.
[17 Apr 2017 17:26] Kuthair Habboush
Just to be clear:

There is nothing inherently wrong with this behavior. Lots of Mac Apps work this way. All the app's windows are closed, but the app itself remains open.

Just to name a few: Mail, Calendar, Terminal, Slack all work like this.

The problem with Workbench is: there's no way of opening the main Workbench window again.

So, my suggestion is to either:

1. Quit Workbench when Close button clicked

--- OR ---

2. Bring back the main Workbench window (or dashboard) when user clicks the Workbench icon in the dock.
[19 Mar 2024 2:02] Mitch Talmadge
I know this bug is old, but I'd like to report that it is still happening for me on version 8.0.34 with MacOS Sonoma 14.3.1 on a MacBook Pro M2. If I minimize the window, everything is fine. But if I close the window, then clicking on the Dock icon does nothing. The app becomes completely inaccessible. I have to force close MySQL Workbench in order to start it again.