I'm running Slackware 8.1.
Everything is compiled with gcc-2.95.3
The server is an AMD K6-2 500Mhz with 256MB of RAM. It doesn't appear to have any hardware / software issues...
Build environment variables:
CFLAGS="-O2 -march=k6-2"
CXXFLAGS="-O2 -march=k6-2 -felide-constructors"
Configure options:
The problem occurs after using 'load data infile' on a large csv file ( in this case around 1,000,000 rows ) into a MyISAM table. The table is truncated each time before use ( and also usually has myisamchk run on it ). Soon after the load data infile operation, I will get 'error 127 from the table handler' when selecting from or updating the table. The error occurs at a different place each time ( as far as I can tell ).
See 'how to repeat' for specifics...
How to repeat:
Note - I've used 'mysqldump -d' to only give table defs. If you need actual data, I can provide it - I left it out mainly for size reasons...
In a database 'RSLCom':
Association char(1) default '',
RSLCOMID varchar(10) default '',
Client varchar(60) default '',
Suburb varchar(30) default '',
Address_1 varchar(50) default '',
Address_2 varchar(50) default '',
Address_3 varchar(50) default '',
State char(3) default '',
Postcode smallint(5) unsigned default '0',
ServiceType_1 varchar(50) default '',
ServiceType_2 varchar(50) default '',
AccountNo varchar(10) default '',
BillingGroup varchar(50) default '',
CallingNo varchar(20) default '',
CalledNo varchar(25) default '',
CallTypeID varchar(20) default '',
CallType varchar(60) default '',
Date_STRING varchar(20) default NULL,
Time_STRING varchar(20) default NULL,
Seconds mediumint(8) unsigned default '0',
Cost_STRING varchar(15) default NULL,
Retail_STRING varchar(15) default NULL,
GST_STRING varchar(15) default NULL,
CallSource varchar(50) default '',
Destination varchar(50) default '',
FromPrefix varchar(50) default '',
ToPrefix varchar(50) default '',
LocalCalls varchar(255) default '',
Source char(2) default '',
ID int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
MyStamp timestamp(14) NOT NULL,
Date date default '0000-00-00',
Time datetime default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
Cost double NOT NULL default '0',
Retail double NOT NULL default '0',
GST double NOT NULL default '0',
BillingCode varchar(10) NOT NULL default '',
LocalCallNo mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
LocalCallRate double NOT NULL default '0',
BLines mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
ServEquipLosing double NOT NULL default '0',
KEY IDX_Client (Client),
KEY IDX_BillingCode (BillingCode),
KEY IDX_AccountNo (AccountNo),
KEY IDX_CallingNo (CallingNo)
MyStamp timestamp(14) NOT NULL,
RSLCOMID varchar(10) default '',
RSLCOMAcct varchar(10) default '',
RSLCOMBillingCode varchar(10) NOT NULL default '',
FileNo mediumint(8) unsigned default '0',
SubNo tinyint(3) unsigned default '0',
SavingNo mediumint(8) unsigned default '0',
Local double default '0',
Nat double default '0',
Intl double default '0',
Mob double default '0',
OneEight double default '0',
Service double default '0',
SE1Type smallint(5) unsigned default '0',
SE1No smallint(5) unsigned default '0',
SE2Type smallint(5) unsigned default '0',
SE2No smallint(5) unsigned default '0',
No1Date date default NULL,
BillingLevel tinyint(3) unsigned default '0',
ServiceLevel tinyint(3) unsigned default '0',
PABX tinyint(3) unsigned default '0',
Comment tinytext,
KEY IDX_FileNo_SubNo (FileNo,SubNo),
KEY IDX_SavingNo (SavingNo)
SEID tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
MyStamp timestamp(14) NOT NULL,
Rate double default '0',
EffectiveDate date NOT NULL default '0000-00-00',
Charge double default '0',
PRIMARY KEY (SEID,EffectiveDate)
CREATE TABLE TempBilledAccountNos (
AccountNo varchar(30) NOT NULL default '',
MyStamp timestamp(14) NOT NULL
The Perl script that controls the import process ( ):
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict ;
use DBI ;
my $dbh = DBI->connect( 'dbi:mysql:RSLCom','root','nusaus168' ) || die "Database connection not made: $DBI::errstr" ;
print (localtime() . "\nTruncating CallData...\n\n") ;
my $sql = qq{ truncate table CallData } ;
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql) ;
$sth->execute() ;
print (localtime() . "\nImporting csv file into MySQL...\n\n") ;
$sql = qq{ load data infile '/usr/local/bills_on_disk/ElectronicBills2MySQL/RSLCom_Consortium.txt'
into table CallData
fields terminated by ','
optionally enclosed by '\"'
lines terminated by '\\r\\n'
ignore 1 lines } ;
$sth = $dbh->prepare($sql) ;
$sth->execute() ;
print (localtime() . "\nRepairing Date, Time & Currency fields and getting local calls stuff...\n\n") ;
$sql = qq{ update CallData set
Date=concat(substring(Date_STRING,locate('/',Date_STRING)+4,4), '-',
substring(Date_STRING,locate('/',Date_STRING)+1,2), '-',
Time=concat('1899-12-30 ', right(Time_STRING,8)),
LocalCallNo=if(locate('Local Call',LocalCalls)>0,left(LocalCalls,locate(' ',LocalCalls)),0),
LocalCallRate=if(locate('Local Call',LocalCalls)>0,Cost*100/left(LocalCalls,locate(' ',LocalCalls)),0) } ;
$sth = $dbh->prepare($sql) ;
$sth->execute() ;
print (localtime() . "\nUpdating BillingCode from LinkTable...\n\n") ;
$sql = qq{ update CallData inner join LinkTable
set CallData.BillingCode=if(LinkTable.BillingLevel=1,CallData.RSLCOMID,CallData.AccountNo) } ;
$sth = $dbh->prepare($sql) ;
$sth->execute() ;
print (localtime() . "\nMaking a list of distinct clients...\n\n") ;
$sql = qq{ drop table if exists DistinctClients } ;
$sth = $dbh->prepare($sql) ;
$sth->execute() ;
$sql = qq{ create table DistinctClients
select RSLCOMID, AccountNo, Client
from CallData group by RSLCOMID, AccountNo, Client } ;
$sth = $dbh->prepare($sql) ;
$sth->execute() ;
print (localtime() . "\nMaking a list of billed accounts...\n\n") ;
$sql = "truncate table TempBilledAccountNos" ;
$sth = $dbh->prepare($sql) ;
$sth->execute() ;
$sql = qq{ create temporary table tmp_TempBilledAccountNos
select CallData.AccountNo from LinkTable inner join CallData
on LinkTable.RSLCOMBillingCode=CallData.BillingCode
left join TempBilledAccountNos
on CallData.AccountNo=TempBilledAccountNos.AccountNo
where TempBilledAccountNos.AccountNo is null
and LinkTable.SavingNo is not null
group by CallData.AccountNo } ;
$sth = $dbh->prepare($sql) ;
$sth->execute() ;
print (localtime() . "\nMaking a list of billed accounts...\n\n") ;
$sql = "truncate table TempBilledAccountNos" ;
$sth = $dbh->prepare($sql) ;
$sth->execute() ;
$sql = qq{ create temporary table tmp_TempBilledAccountNos
select CallData.AccountNo from LinkTable inner join CallData
on LinkTable.RSLCOMBillingCode=CallData.BillingCode
left join TempBilledAccountNos
on CallData.AccountNo=TempBilledAccountNos.AccountNo
where TempBilledAccountNos.AccountNo is null
and LinkTable.SavingNo is not null
group by CallData.AccountNo } ;
$sth = $dbh->prepare($sql) ;
$sth->execute() ;
$sql = qq{ insert into TempBilledAccountNos ( AccountNo ) select * from tmp_TempBilledAccountNos } ;
$sth = $dbh->prepare($sql) ;
$sth->execute() ;
print (localtime() . "\nMatching SNE charges with SEPremiums table...\n\n") ;
$sql = qq{ select EffectiveDate, Charge from SEPremiums where Charge is not null order by EffectiveDate desc } ;
$sth = $dbh->prepare($sql) ;
$sth->execute() ;
my $previousdate="" ;
while ( my $row=$sth->fetchrow_hashref ) {
$sql = qq{ update CallData
set BLines=left(LocalCalls,locate(' ', LocalCalls)-1)
where CallData.Date>='$row->{EffectiveDate}' } ;
if ($previousdate ne "") {
$sql .= qq{ and CallData.Date<'$previousdate' } ;
$sql .= qq{ and Cost/left(LocalCalls,locate(' ', LocalCalls)-1)=$row->{Charge}
and locate('Business T', LocalCalls)>0 } ;
my $cmd = $dbh->prepare($sql) ;
$cmd->execute() ;
$previousdate = $row->{EffectiveDate} ;
print (localtime() . "\nFinished!\n\n") ;
$sth->finish() ;
$dbh->disconnect() ;
Typical Output from above script:
bash-2.05# ./
Mon Jul 14 15:54:15 2003
Truncating CallData...
Mon Jul 14 15:54:16 2003
Importing csv file into MySQL...
Mon Jul 14 16:18:34 2003
Repairing Date, Time & Currency fields and getting local calls stuff...
Mon Jul 14 16:27:38 2003
Updating BillingCode from LinkTable...
Mon Jul 14 17:05:39 2003
Making a list of distinct clients...
Mon Jul 14 17:07:52 2003
Making a list of billed accounts...
DBD::mysql::st execute failed: Got error 127 from table handler at ./ line 86.
Mon Jul 14 17:08:27 2003
Matching SNE charges with SEPremiums table...
Mon Jul 14 17:12:10 2003
Suggested fix:
No idea.
I admit that it could be a compiler bug ( I used the -march=k6 flag ) but I haven't had any other issues with MySQL compiled in this way ... everything else is running smoothly enough.