Bug #8332 Add New Files: mysql ftp note
Submitted: 5 Feb 2005 7:35 Modified: 7 Feb 2005 21:10
Reporter: Paul Mach Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:Eventum Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:1.4 OS:
Assigned to: Bryan Alsdorf CPU Architecture:Any

[5 Feb 2005 7:35] Paul Mach
When adding a new files to an issue, a new window pops up. 

In that window it says "NOTE: if you need to upload files bigger than 100 megabytes, please use the following FTP URL for uploads: ftp://ftp.mysql.com/pub/mysql/upload"

How to repeat:
View an issue
Click Upload File
  View the text in the window that comes up

Suggested fix:
I don't know what else to say, so I would suggest removing it all together.

Remove lines 75-77 of /templates/en/file_upload.tpl.html
[7 Feb 2005 21:10] Bryan Alsdorf
This a note left over from the internal use of Eventum. It is now removed from the bitkeeper version. Thanks for the report.