Bug #82628 Raise minimum CMake version to 2.8.12
Submitted: 18 Aug 2016 9:55 Modified: 2 Sep 2016 16:20
Reporter: Jon Olav Hauglid Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Compiling Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:8..0.0 OS:Any
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[18 Aug 2016 9:55] Jon Olav Hauglid
CMake 2.8.12 is currently the oldest version we use when building MySQL 8.0.
Older versions are not tested and should be considered unsupported.
We should therefore raise the minimum required CMake version to 2.8.12

This also allows us to remove workarounds for behavior deprecated in newer CMake versions,
which will prevent MySQL building from breaking once the deprecated behavior is removed
from new CMake versions.

CMake 2.8.12 was released in October 2013.

How to repeat:
[2 Sep 2016 16:20] Paul DuBois
Posted by developer:
Noted in 8.0.1 changelog.

For building MySQL 8.0, the minimum required version of CMake has
been raised to 2.8.12.
[2 Sep 2016 16:33] Paul DuBois
Revised changelog entry:

For building MySQL 8.0, the minimum required version of CMake is now
3.2.3 on Windows, 3.4.0 on Solaris, and 2.8.12 otherwise.