Bug #82602 Target RDBMS Connection Parameters: Default schema is broken or misleading
Submitted: 16 Aug 2016 22:12 Modified: 30 Aug 2016 11:54
Reporter: Filipus Klutiero Email Updates:
Status: Verified Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench: Migration Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:6.3.7 OS:Any
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[16 Aug 2016 22:12] Filipus Klutiero
When migrating a table from SQL Anywhere to MySQL, the table was created in a new schema, rather than in an existing schema as I wanted. I repeated the procedure paying attention, and I noticed the "Default schema" field in the Target Selection step ("Target RDBMS Connection Parameters"), in the Parameters tab, but I was not asked which schema to create the table into. The field description reads:
The schema to use as default schema. Leave blank to select it later.

On the third attempt, I wrote the schema's name in the field, but this was apparently ignored.

I eventually noticed that the target schema's name could be *changed* at the Manual Editing step (it is already set, to the source schema's name), and was able to successfully create the table in the target schema by editing the Target Object column.

How to repeat:
This is apparently not a behavioral bug.

Suggested fix:
Remove the Default schema field at the Target Selection step. If that is too complicated, then warn that this field's value will be ignored.
[30 Aug 2016 11:54] Milosz Bodzek
thank you for bug report