Bug #825 GROUP_CONCAT returns weird sets of data
Submitted: 10 Jul 2003 2:34 Modified: 19 Sep 2003 15:38
Reporter: Anand - Email Updates:
Status: Can't repeat Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:4.1-Alpha OS:Linux (Linux)
Assigned to: Bugs System CPU Architecture:Any

[10 Jul 2003 2:34] Anand -
After inserting a fair amount of data into several tables, i executed the following query to the server :

SELECT a.id,a.name,a.url,GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT b.info ORDER BY b.info SEPARATOR '|_|'),GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT c.info ORDER BY c.info SEPARATOR '|_|'),GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT d.info ORDER BY d.info SEPARATOR '|_|'),GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT e.info ORDER BY e.info SEPARATOR '|_|'),GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT f.info ORDER BY f.info SEPARATOR '|_|'),GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT g.info ORDER BY g.info SEPARATOR '|_|'),GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT h.info ORDER BY h.info SEPARATOR '|_|'),GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT i.info ORDER BY i.info SEPARATOR '|_|'),GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT j.info ORDER BY j.info SEPARATOR '|_|'),GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT k.info ORDER BY k.info SEPARATOR '|_|') FROM capitis_slx_hindi a,capitis_clx_actors b,capitis_clx_album c,capitis_clx_director d,capitis_clx_lyrics e,capitis_clx_movie_name f,capitis_clx_music_director g,capitis_clx_producer h,capitis_clx_singer i,capitis_clx_theme j,capitis_clx_year k WHERE a.clx_movie_name_id = '48' AND b.id = a.clx_actors_id AND c.id = a.clx_album_id AND d.id = a.clx_director_id AND e.id = a.clx_lyrics_id AND f.id = a.clx_movie_name_id AND g.id = a.clx_music_director_id AND h.id= a.clx_producer_id AND i.id = a.clx_singer_id AND j.id = a.clx_theme_id AND k.id = a.clx_year_id GROUP BY a.id

as you can see most of the columns i requested use GROUP_CONCAT, instead of returning '|_|' seperated values i get large sets of binary data, as if chunks of it was taken from the computer's memory. But, after restarting the server, it is fine.

Below is the portition of the trace file, which deals with the query (sorry, its kinda large) : 

T@73738: info: handle_one_connection called by thread 1

T@73738: info: New connection received on socket (10)
T@73738: info: Host: localhost
T@73738: >vio_keepalive
T@73738: | enter: sd=10, set_keep_alive=1
T@73738: <vio_keepalive
T@73738: >net_write_command
T@73738: | enter: length: 49
T@73738: <net_write_command
T@73738: >net_flush
T@73738: | >vio_is_blocking
T@73738: | | exit: 0
T@73738: | <vio_is_blocking
T@73738: | >net_real_write
T@73738: | | >vio_write
T@73738: | | | enter: sd=10, buf=0x88e34a0, size=54
T@73738: | | | exit: 54
T@73738: | | <vio_write
T@73738: | <net_real_write
T@73738: <net_flush
T@73738: >vio_is_blocking
T@73738: | exit: 0
T@73738: <vio_is_blocking
T@73738: >vio_read
T@73738: | enter: sd=10, buf=0x88e34a0, size=4
T@73738: | exit: 4
T@73738: <vio_read
T@73738: >vio_read
T@73738: | enter: sd=10, buf=0x88e34a0, size=29
T@73738: | exit: 29
T@73738: <vio_read
T@73738: >_mymalloc
T@73738: | enter: Size: 16392
T@73738: | exit: ptr: 88ea240
T@73738: <_mymalloc
T@73738: >check_user
T@73738: | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | enter: Size: 5
T@73738: | | exit: ptr: 88e0598
T@73738: | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | >acl_getroot
T@73738: | | >wild_case_compare
T@73738: | | | enter: str: 'localhost'  wildstr: 'localhost'
T@73738: | | <wild_case_compare
T@73738: | <acl_getroot
T@73738: | info: Capabilities: 58509  packet_length: 16777216  Host: 'localhost'  User: 'root'  Using password: yes  Access: 1073741824  db: '*none*'
T@73738: | info: Prepare for second part of handshake
T@73738: <check_user
T@73738: info: password challenge
T@73738: packet_header: Memory: 41fce8c4  Bytes: (4)
18 00 00 02 
T@73738: >net_flush
T@73738: | >vio_is_blocking
T@73738: | | exit: 0
T@73738: | <vio_is_blocking
T@73738: | >net_real_write
T@73738: | | >vio_write
T@73738: | | | enter: sd=10, buf=0x88e34a0, size=28
T@73738: | | | exit: 28
T@73738: | | <vio_write
T@73738: | <net_real_write
T@73738: <net_flush
T@73738: >vio_is_blocking
T@73738: | exit: 0
T@73738: <vio_is_blocking
T@73738: >vio_read
T@73738: | enter: sd=10, buf=0x88e34a0, size=4
T@73738: | exit: 4
T@73738: <vio_read
T@73738: >vio_read
T@73738: | enter: sd=10, buf=0x88e34a0, size=20
T@73738: | exit: 20
T@73738: <vio_read
T@73738: >check_user
T@73738: | >acl_getroot
T@73738: | <acl_getroot
T@73738: | info: Capabilities: 58509  packet_length: 16777216  Host: 'localhost'  User: 'root'  Using password: yes  Access: 2097151  db: '*none*'
T@73738: | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | enter: Size: 8
T@73738: | | exit: ptr: 88e05c0
T@73738: | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | >mysql_change_db
T@73738: | | info: Use database: capitis
T@73738: | | >unpack_dirname
T@73738: | | | >dirname_part
T@73738: | | | | enter: './capitis'
T@73738: | | | <dirname_part
T@73738: | | | >cleanup_dirname
T@73738: | | | | enter: from: './capitis/'
T@73738: | | | | exit: to: './capitis/'
T@73738: | | | <cleanup_dirname
T@73738: | | <unpack_dirname
T@73738: | | >send_ok
T@73738: | | | packet_header: Memory: 41fce434  Bytes: (4)
07 00 00 04 
T@73738: | | | >net_flush
T@73738: | | | | >vio_is_blocking
T@73738: | | | | | exit: 0
T@73738: | | | | <vio_is_blocking
T@73738: | | | | >net_real_write
T@73738: | | | | | >vio_write
T@73738: | | | | | | enter: sd=10, buf=0x88e34a0, size=11
T@73738: | | | | | | exit: 11
T@73738: | | | | | <vio_write
T@73738: | | | | <net_real_write
T@73738: | | | <net_flush
T@73738: | | <send_ok
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 0
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >unpack_dirname
T@73738: | | | >dirname_part
T@73738: | | | | enter: './capitis'
T@73738: | | | <dirname_part
T@73738: | | | >cleanup_dirname
T@73738: | | | | enter: from: './capitis/'
T@73738: | | | | exit: to: './capitis/'
T@73738: | | | <cleanup_dirname
T@73738: | | <unpack_dirname
T@73738: | | >load_db_opt
T@73738: | | | >my_open
T@73738: | | | | my: Name: './capitis/db.opt'  Flags: 0  MyFlags: 0
T@73738: | | | <my_open
T@73738: | | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | | enter: Size: 17
T@73738: | | | | exit: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | exit: fd: 11
T@73738: | | | >init_io_cache
T@73738: | | | | enter: cache: 41fce3ac  type: 0  pos: 0
T@73738: | | | | >my_seek
T@73738: | | | | | my: Fd: 11  Hpos: 0  Pos: 0  Whence: 2  MyFlags: 0
T@73738: | | | | | exit: pos: 40
T@73738: | | | | <my_seek
T@73738: | | | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | | | enter: Size: 8192
T@73738: | | | | | exit: ptr: 88ee268
T@73738: | | | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | | info: init_io_cache: cachesize = 8192
T@73738: | | | <init_io_cache
T@73738: | | | >my_seek
T@73738: | | | | my: Fd: 11  Hpos: 0  Pos: 0  Whence: 0  MyFlags: 0
T@73738: | | | <my_seek
T@73738: | | | >my_read
T@73738: | | | | my: Fd: 11  Buffer: 88ee268  Count: 40  MyFlags: 0
T@73738: | | | <my_read
T@73738: | | | >end_io_cache
T@73738: | | | | >_flush_io_cache
T@73738: | | | | <_flush_io_cache
T@73738: | | | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | | | enter: ptr: 88ee268
T@73738: | | | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | | <end_io_cache
T@73738: | | | >my_close
T@73738: | | | | my: fd: 11  MyFlags: 0
T@73738: | | | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | | | enter: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | | <my_close
T@73738: | | <load_db_opt
T@73738: | <mysql_change_db
T@73738: <check_user
T@73738: >init_alloc_root
T@73738: | enter: root: 88decfc
T@73738: | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | enter: Size: 8208
T@73738: | | exit: ptr: 88ee268
T@73738: | <_mymalloc
T@73738: <init_alloc_root
T@73738: >init_alloc_root
T@73738: | enter: root: 88df15c
T@73738: | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | enter: Size: 4112
T@73738: | | exit: ptr: 88df3c8
T@73738: | <_mymalloc
T@73738: <init_alloc_root
T@73738: >do_command
T@73738: | >vio_is_blocking
T@73738: | | exit: 0
T@73738: | <vio_is_blocking
T@73738: | >vio_read
T@73738: | | enter: sd=10, buf=0x88e34a0, size=4
T@73738: | | vio_error: Got error 11 during read
T@73738: | | exit: -1
T@73738: | <vio_read
T@73738: | info: vio_read returned -1,  errno: 11
T@73738: | >thr_alarm
T@73738: | | enter: thread: T@73738  sec: 28800
T@73738: | | info: reschedule
T@65545: | >process_alarm
T@65545: | | info: sig: 14  active alarms: 1
T@65545: | <process_alarm
T@73738: | <thr_alarm
T@73738: | >vio_blocking
T@73738: | | enter: set_blocking_mode: 1  old_mode: 0
T@73738: | | exit: 0
T@73738: | <vio_blocking
T@73738: | >vio_read
T@73738: | | enter: sd=10, buf=0x88e34a0, size=4
T@73738: | | exit: 4
T@73738: | <vio_read
T@73738: | >vio_read
T@73738: | | enter: sd=10, buf=0x88e34a0, size=1220
T@73738: | | exit: 1220
T@73738: | <vio_read
T@73738: | >thr_end_alarm
T@73738: | <thr_end_alarm
T@73738: | >vio_blocking
T@73738: | | enter: set_blocking_mode: 0  old_mode: 1
T@73738: | | exit: 0
T@73738: | <vio_blocking
T@73738: | info: Command on socket (10) = 3 (Query)
T@73738: <do_command
T@73738: >dispatch_command
T@73738: | >_myrealloc
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 16384
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88f0298
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88ea240
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | <_myrealloc
T@73738: | query: SELECT a.id,a.name,a.url,GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT b.info ORDER BY b.info SEPARATOR '|_|'),GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT c.info ORDER BY c.info SEPARATOR '|_|'),GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT d.info ORDER BY d.info SEPARATOR '|_|'),GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT e.info ORDER BY e.info SEPARATOR '|_|'),GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT f.info ORDER BY f.info SEPARATOR '|_|'),GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT g.info ORDER BY g.info SEPARATOR '|_|'),GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT h.info ORDER BY h.info SEPARATOR '|_|'),GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT i.info ORDER BY i.info SEPARATOR '|_|'),GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT j.info ORDER BY j.info SEPARATOR '|_|'),GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT k.info ORDER BY k.info SEPARATOR '|_|') FROM capitis_slx_hindi a,capitis_clx_actors b,capitis_clx_album c,capitis_clx_director d,capitis_clx_lyrics e,capitis_clx_movie_name f,capitis_clx_music_director g,capitis_clx_producer h,capitis_clx_singer i,capitis_clx_theme j,capitis_clx_year k WHERE a.clx_movie_name_id = '48' AND b.id = a.clx_actors_id AND c.id = a.clx_album_id AND d.id = a.clx_director_id AND e.id = a.clx_lyrics_id AND f.id = a.clx_movie_name_id AND g.id = a.clx_music_director_id AND h.id= a.clx_producer_id AND i.id = a.clx_singer_id AND j.id = a.clx_theme_id AND k.id = a.clx_year_id GROUP BY a.id
T@73738: | >mysql_parse
T@73738: | | >mysql_init_query
T@73738: | | <mysql_init_query
T@73738: | | >Query_cache::send_result_to_client
T@73738: | | <Query_cache::send_result_to_client
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 8
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 8
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 8
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 16
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88e3430
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88e3430
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 8
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 16
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88e3430
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88e3430
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 8
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 16
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88e3430
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88e3430
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 8
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 16
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88e3430
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88e3430
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >add_to_list
T@73738: | | <add_to_list
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 184
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88e03f8
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88e03f8
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 8
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 16
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88e3430
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88e3430
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 8
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 16
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88e3430
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88e3430
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >add_to_list
T@73738: | | <add_to_list
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 184
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88e03f8
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88e03f8
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 8
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 16
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88e3430
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88e3430
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 8
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 16
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88e3430
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88e3430
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >add_to_list
T@73738: | | <add_to_list
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 184
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88e03f8
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88e03f8
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 8
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 16
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88e3430
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88e3430
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 8
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 16
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88e3430
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88e3430
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >add_to_list
T@73738: | | <add_to_list
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 184
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88e03f8
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88e03f8
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 8
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 16
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88e3430
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88e3430
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 8
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 16
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88e3430
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88e3430
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >add_to_list
T@73738: | | <add_to_list
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 184
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88e03f8
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88e03f8
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 8
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 16
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88e3430
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88e3430
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 8
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 16
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88e3430
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88e3430
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >add_to_list
T@73738: | | <add_to_list
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 184
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88e03f8
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88e03f8
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 8
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 16
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88e3430
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88e3430
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 8
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 16
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88e3430
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88e3430
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >add_to_list
T@73738: | | <add_to_list
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 184
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88e03f8
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88e03f8
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 8
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 16
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88e3430
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88e3430
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 8
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 16
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88e3430
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88e3430
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >add_to_list
T@73738: | | <add_to_list
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 8136
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88ea240
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 184
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88e03f8
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88e03f8
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 8
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 16
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88e3430
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88e3430
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 8
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 16
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88e3430
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88e3430
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >add_to_list
T@73738: | | <add_to_list
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 184
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88e03f8
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88e03f8
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 8
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 16
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88e3430
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88e3430
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 8
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 16
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88e3430
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88e3430
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >add_to_list
T@73738: | | <add_to_list
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 184
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88e03f8
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88e03f8
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 56
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88e03f8
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88e03f8
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 8
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >add_table_to_list
T@73738: | | <add_table_to_list
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 56
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88e03f8
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88e03f8
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 8
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >add_table_to_list
T@73738: | | <add_table_to_list
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 56
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88e03f8
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88e03f8
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 8
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >add_table_to_list
T@73738: | | <add_table_to_list
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 64
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88e03f8
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88e03f8
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 8
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >add_table_to_list
T@73738: | | <add_table_to_list
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 56
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88e03f8
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88e03f8
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 8
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >add_table_to_list
T@73738: | | <add_table_to_list
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 72
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88e03f8
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88e03f8
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 8
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >add_table_to_list
T@73738: | | <add_table_to_list
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 80
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88e03f8
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88e03f8
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 8
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >add_table_to_list
T@73738: | | <add_table_to_list
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 64
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88e03f8
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88e03f8
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 8
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >add_table_to_list
T@73738: | | <add_table_to_list
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 56
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88e03f8
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88e03f8
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 8
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >add_table_to_list
T@73738: | | <add_table_to_list
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 56
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88e03f8
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88e03f8
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 8
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >add_table_to_list
T@73738: | | <add_table_to_list
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 56
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88e03f8
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88e03f8
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 8
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >add_table_to_list
T@73738: | | <add_table_to_list
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 8
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 56
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88e03f8
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88e03f8
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 8
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 8
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 8
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 8
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 40
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88e03f8
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88e03f8
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 8
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 8
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 8
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 40
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88e03f8
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88e03f8
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 8
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 8
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 8
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 48
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88e0440
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88e0440
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 8
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 8
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 8
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 40
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88e03f8
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88e03f8
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 8
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 8
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 8
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 56
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88e0440
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88e0440
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 8
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 8
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 8
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 64
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88e0440
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88e0440
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 8
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 8
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 8
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 48
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88e0440
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88e0440
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 8
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 8
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 8
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 40
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88e03f8
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88e03f8
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 8136
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88ec228
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 8
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88ee210
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88ee210
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 8
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88ee210
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88ee210
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 8
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88ee210
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88ee210
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 40
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 8
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88ee210
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88ee210
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 8
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88ee210
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88ee210
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 8
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88ee210
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88ee210
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 40
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 8
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88ee210
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88ee210
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | enter: Size: 8
T@73738: | | | exit: ptr: 88ee210
T@73738: | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | enter: ptr: 88ee210
T@73738: | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | >add_to_list
T@73738: | | <add_to_list
T@73738: | | >mysql_execute_command
T@73738: | | | >mysql_reset_errors
T@73738: | | | | >free_root
T@73738: | | | | | enter: root: 88ded3c  flags: 0
T@73738: | | | | <free_root
T@73738: | | | <mysql_reset_errors
T@73738: | | | >open_tables
T@73738: | | | | >open_table
T@73738: | | | | | >hash_search
T@73738: | | | | | <hash_search
T@73738: | | | | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | | | | enter: Size: 840
T@73738: | | | | | | exit: ptr: 88e29f0
T@73738: | | | | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | | | >open_unireg_entry
T@73738: | | | | | | >openfrm
T@73738: | | | | | | | enter: name: './capitis/capitis_slx_hindi'  form: 88e29f0
T@73738: | | | | | | | >init_alloc_root
T@73738: | | | | | | | | enter: root: 88e2b30
T@73738: | | | | | | | <init_alloc_root
T@73738: | | | | | | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | | | | | | enter: Size: 968
T@73738: | | | | | | | | exit: ptr: 88e2d58
T@73738: | | | | | | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | | | | | >fn_ext
T@73738: | | | | | | | | mfunkt: name: 'capitis_slx_hindi'
T@73738: | | | | | | | | >dirname_part
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | enter: 'capitis_slx_hindi'
T@73738: | | | | | | | | <dirname_part
T@73738: | | | | | | | <fn_ext
T@73738: | | | | | | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | | | | | | enter: Size: 2
T@73738: | | | | | | | | exit: ptr: 88ee210
T@73738: | | | | | | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | | | | | >fn_format
T@73738: | | | | | | | | enter: name: ./capitis/capitis_slx_hindi  dir:   extension: .frm  flag: 4
T@73738: | | | | | | | | >dirname_part
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | enter: './capitis/capitis_slx_hindi'
T@73738: | | | | | | | | <dirname_part
T@73738: | | | | | | | | >unpack_dirname
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | >dirname_part
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | | enter: './capitis/'
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | <dirname_part
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | >cleanup_dirname
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | | enter: from: './capitis/'
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | | exit: to: './capitis/'
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | <cleanup_dirname
T@73738: | | | | | | | | <unpack_dirname
T@73738: | | | | | | | | >strlength
T@73738: | | | | | | | | <strlength
T@73738: | | | | | | | <fn_format
T@73738: | | | | | | | >my_open
T@73738: | | | | | | | | my: Name: './capitis/capitis_slx_hindi.frm'  Flags: 0  MyFlags: 0
T@73738: | | | | | | | <my_open
T@73738: | | | | | | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | | | | | | enter: Size: 32
T@73738: | | | | | | | | exit: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | | | | | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | | | | | exit: fd: 11
T@73738: | | | | | | | >fn_ext
T@73738: | | | | | | | | mfunkt: name: './capitis/capitis_slx_hindi'
T@73738: | | | | | | | | >dirname_part
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | enter: './capitis/capitis_slx_hindi'
T@73738: | | | | | | | | <dirname_part
T@73738: | | | | | | | <fn_ext
T@73738: | | | | | | | >my_read
T@73738: | | | | | | | | my: Fd: 11  Buffer: 41fcdd4c  Count: 64  MyFlags: 4
T@73738: | | | | | | | <my_read
T@73738: | | | | | | | >get_form_pos
T@73738: | | | | | | | | >my_seek
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | my: Fd: 11  Hpos: 0  Pos: 64  Whence: 0  MyFlags: 0
T@73738: | | | | | | | | <my_seek
T@73738: | | | | | | | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | enter: Size: 7
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | exit: ptr: 88e3448
T@73738: | | | | | | | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | | | | | | >my_read
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | my: Fd: 11  Buffer: 88e3448  Count: 7  MyFlags: 4
T@73738: | | | | | | | | <my_read
T@73738: | | | | | | | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | enter: ptr: 88e3448
T@73738: | | | | | | | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | | | | | | <get_form_pos
T@73738: | | | | | | | >fn_ext
T@73738: | | | | | | | | mfunkt: name: './capitis/capitis_slx_hindi.frm'
T@73738: | | | | | | | | >dirname_part
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | enter: './capitis/capitis_slx_hindi.frm'
T@73738: | | | | | | | | <dirname_part
T@73738: | | | | | | | <fn_ext
T@73738: | | | | | | | >my_seek
T@73738: | | | | | | | | my: Fd: 11  Hpos: 0  Pos: 4096  Whence: 0  MyFlags: 0
T@73738: | | | | | | | <my_seek
T@73738: | | | | | | | >read_string
T@73738: | | | | | | | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | enter: ptr: 0
T@73738: | | | | | | | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | | | | | | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | enter: Size: 559
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | exit: ptr: 88e92a0
T@73738: | | | | | | | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | | | | | | >my_read
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | my: Fd: 11  Buffer: 88e92a0  Count: 558  MyFlags: 4
T@73738: | | | | | | | | <my_read
T@73738: | | | | | | | <read_string
T@73738: | | | | | | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | | | | | | enter: Size: 1136
T@73738: | | | | | | | | exit: ptr: 88e94f0
T@73738: | | | | | | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | | | | | >my_pread
T@73738: | | | | | | | | my: Fd: 11  Seek: 6692  Buffer: 88e2eb0  Count: 167  MyFlags: 4
T@73738: | | | | | | | <my_pread
T@73738: | | | | | | | >my_seek
T@73738: | | | | | | | | my: Fd: 11  Hpos: 0  Pos: 8192  Whence: 0  MyFlags: 0
T@73738: | | | | | | | <my_seek
T@73738: | | | | | | | >my_read
T@73738: | | | | | | | | my: Fd: 11  Buffer: 41fcdd4c  Count: 288  MyFlags: 4
T@73738: | | | | | | | <my_read
T@73738: | | | | | | | info: i_count: 0  i_parts: 0  index: 12  n_length: 185  int_length: 0  com_length: 0
T@73738: | | | | | | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | | | | | | enter: Size: 968
T@73738: | | | | | | | | exit: ptr: 88e9980
T@73738: | | | | | | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | | | | | >read_string
T@73738: | | | | | | | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | enter: ptr: 88e92a0
T@73738: | | | | | | | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | | | | | | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | enter: Size: 717
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | exit: ptr: 88db9f8
T@73738: | | | | | | | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | | | | | | >my_read
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | my: Fd: 11  Buffer: 88db9f8  Count: 716  MyFlags: 4
T@73738: | | | | | | | | <my_read
T@73738: | | | | | | | <read_string
T@73738: | | | | | | | >my_close
T@73738: | | | | | | | | my: fd: 11  MyFlags: 16
T@73738: | | | | | | | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | enter: ptr: 88e3408
T@73738: | | | | | | | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | | | | | | <my_close
T@73738: | | | | | | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | | | | | | enter: Size: 968
T@73738: | | | | | | | | exit: ptr: 88dbce8
T@73738: | | | | | | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | | | | | >find_type
T@73738: | | | | | | | | enter: x: 'PRIMARY'  lib: 88e2a88
T@73738: | | | | | | | | exit: Couldn't find type
T@73738: | | | | | | | <find_type
T@73738: | | | | | | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | | | | | | enter: ptr: 88db9f8
T@73738: | | | | | | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | | | | | | >unpack_filename
T@73738: | | | | | | | | >dirname_part
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | enter: './capitis/capitis_slx_hindi'
T@73738: | | | | | | | | <dirname_part
T@73738: | | | | | | | | >unpack_dirname
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | >dirname_part
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | | enter: './capitis/'
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | <dirname_part
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | >cleanup_dirname
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | | enter: from: './capitis/'
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | | exit: to: './capitis/'
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | <cleanup_dirname
T@73738: | | | | | | | | <unpack_dirname
T@73738: | | | | | | | <unpack_filename
T@73738: | | | | | | | >handler::open
T@73738: | | | | | | | | enter: name: ./capitis/capitis_slx_hindi  db_type: 12  db_stat: 39  mode: 2  lock_test: 2
T@73738: | | | | | | | | >ha_innobase::open
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | >hash_search
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | <hash_search
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | | enter: Size: 236
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | | exit: ptr: 88e03f8
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | >thr_lock_init
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | | >list_add
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | | | enter: root: 0  element: 88e03f8
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | | <list_add
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | <thr_lock_init
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | >my_multi_malloc
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | | | enter: Size: 640
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | | | exit: ptr: 88db9f8
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | <my_multi_malloc
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | >info
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | <info
T@73738: | | | | | | | | <ha_innobase::open
T@73738: | | | | | | | <handler::open
T@73738: | | | | | | <openfrm
T@73738: | | | | | <open_unireg_entry
T@73738: | | | | | info: inserting table 0x88e29f0 into the cache
T@73738: | | | | <open_table
T@73738: | | | | >open_table
T@73738: | | | | | >hash_search
T@73738: | | | | | <hash_search
T@73738: | | | | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | | | | enter: Size: 840
T@73738: | | | | | | exit: ptr: 88dc0d0
T@73738: | | | | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | | | >open_unireg_entry
T@73738: | | | | | | >openfrm
T@73738: | | | | | | | enter: name: './capitis/capitis_clx_actors'  form: 88dc0d0
T@73738: | | | | | | | >init_alloc_root
T@73738: | | | | | | | | enter: root: 88dc210
T@73738: | | | | | | | <init_alloc_root
T@73738: | | | | | | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | | | | | | enter: Size: 968
T@73738: | | | | | | | | exit: ptr: 88e74c8
T@73738: | | | | | | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | | | | | >fn_ext
T@73738: | | | | | | | | mfunkt: name: 'capitis_clx_actors'
T@73738: | | | | | | | | >dirname_part
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | enter: 'capitis_clx_actors'
T@73738: | | | | | | | | <dirname_part
T@73738: | | | | | | | <fn_ext
T@73738: | | | | | | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | | | | | | enter: Size: 2
T@73738: | | | | | | | | exit: ptr: 88ee238
T@73738: | | | | | | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | | | | | >fn_format
T@73738: | | | | | | | | enter: name: ./capitis/capitis_clx_actors  dir:   extension: .frm  flag: 4
T@73738: | | | | | | | | >dirname_part
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | enter: './capitis/capitis_clx_actors'
T@73738: | | | | | | | | <dirname_part
T@73738: | | | | | | | | >unpack_dirname
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | >dirname_part
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | | enter: './capitis/'
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | <dirname_part
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | >cleanup_dirname
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | | enter: from: './capitis/'
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | | exit: to: './capitis/'
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | <cleanup_dirname
T@73738: | | | | | | | | <unpack_dirname
T@73738: | | | | | | | | >strlength
T@73738: | | | | | | | | <strlength
T@73738: | | | | | | | <fn_format
T@73738: | | | | | | | >my_open
T@73738: | | | | | | | | my: Name: './capitis/capitis_clx_actors.frm'  Flags: 0  MyFlags: 0
T@73738: | | | | | | | <my_open
T@73738: | | | | | | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | | | | | | enter: Size: 33
T@73738: | | | | | | | | exit: ptr: 88dbc98
T@73738: | | | | | | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | | | | | exit: fd: 11
T@73738: | | | | | | | >fn_ext
T@73738: | | | | | | | | mfunkt: name: './capitis/capitis_clx_actors'
T@73738: | | | | | | | | >dirname_part
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | enter: './capitis/capitis_clx_actors'
T@73738: | | | | | | | | <dirname_part
T@73738: | | | | | | | <fn_ext
T@73738: | | | | | | | >my_read
T@73738: | | | | | | | | my: Fd: 11  Buffer: 41fcdd4c  Count: 64  MyFlags: 4
T@73738: | | | | | | | <my_read
T@73738: | | | | | | | >get_form_pos
T@73738: | | | | | | | | >my_seek
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | my: Fd: 11  Hpos: 0  Pos: 64  Whence: 0  MyFlags: 0
T@73738: | | | | | | | | <my_seek
T@73738: | | | | | | | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | enter: Size: 7
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | exit: ptr: 88e0508
T@73738: | | | | | | | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | | | | | | >my_read
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | my: Fd: 11  Buffer: 88e0508  Count: 7  MyFlags: 4
T@73738: | | | | | | | | <my_read
T@73738: | | | | | | | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | enter: ptr: 88e0508
T@73738: | | | | | | | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | | | | | | <get_form_pos
T@73738: | | | | | | | >fn_ext
T@73738: | | | | | | | | mfunkt: name: './capitis/capitis_clx_actors.frm'
T@73738: | | | | | | | | >dirname_part
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | enter: './capitis/capitis_clx_actors.frm'
T@73738: | | | | | | | | <dirname_part
T@73738: | | | | | | | <fn_ext
T@73738: | | | | | | | >my_seek
T@73738: | | | | | | | | my: Fd: 11  Hpos: 0  Pos: 4096  Whence: 0  MyFlags: 0
T@73738: | | | | | | | <my_seek
T@73738: | | | | | | | >read_string
T@73738: | | | | | | | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | enter: ptr: 0
T@73738: | | | | | | | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | | | | | | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | enter: Size: 148
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | exit: ptr: 88e9d68
T@73738: | | | | | | | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | | | | | | >my_read
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | my: Fd: 11  Buffer: 88e9d68  Count: 147  MyFlags: 4
T@73738: | | | | | | | | <my_read
T@73738: | | | | | | | <read_string
T@73738: | | | | | | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | | | | | | enter: Size: 968
T@73738: | | | | | | | | exit: ptr: 88e78b0
T@73738: | | | | | | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | | | | | >my_pread
T@73738: | | | | | | | | my: Fd: 11  Seek: 4972  Buffer: 88e78c0  Count: 280  MyFlags: 4
T@73738: | | | | | | | <my_pread
T@73738: | | | | | | | >my_seek
T@73738: | | | | | | | | my: Fd: 11  Hpos: 0  Pos: 8192  Whence: 0  MyFlags: 0
T@73738: | | | | | | | <my_seek
T@73738: | | | | | | | >my_read
T@73738: | | | | | | | | my: Fd: 11  Buffer: 41fcdd4c  Count: 288  MyFlags: 4
T@73738: | | | | | | | <my_read
T@73738: | | | | | | | info: i_count: 0  i_parts: 0  index: 4  n_length: 28  int_length: 0  com_length: 0
T@73738: | | | | | | | >read_string
T@73738: | | | | | | | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | enter: ptr: 88e9d68
T@73738: | | | | | | | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | | | | | | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | enter: Size: 183
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | exit: ptr: 88e9d68
T@73738: | | | | | | | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | | | | | | >my_read
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | my: Fd: 11  Buffer: 88e9d68  Count: 182  MyFlags: 4
T@73738: | | | | | | | | <my_read
T@73738: | | | | | | | <read_string
T@73738: | | | | | | | >my_close
T@73738: | | | | | | | | my: fd: 11  MyFlags: 16
T@73738: | | | | | | | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | enter: ptr: 88dbc98
T@73738: | | | | | | | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | | | | | | <my_close
T@73738: | | | | | | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | | | | | | enter: Size: 968
T@73738: | | | | | | | | exit: ptr: 88e7c98
T@73738: | | | | | | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | | | | | >find_type
T@73738: | | | | | | | | enter: x: 'PRIMARY'  lib: 88dc168
T@73738: | | | | | | | <find_type
T@73738: | | | | | | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | | | | | | enter: ptr: 88e9d68
T@73738: | | | | | | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | | | | | | >unpack_filename
T@73738: | | | | | | | | >dirname_part
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | enter: './capitis/capitis_clx_actors'
T@73738: | | | | | | | | <dirname_part
T@73738: | | | | | | | | >unpack_dirname
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | >dirname_part
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | | enter: './capitis/'
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | <dirname_part
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | >cleanup_dirname
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | | enter: from: './capitis/'
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | | exit: to: './capitis/'
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | <cleanup_dirname
T@73738: | | | | | | | | <unpack_dirname
T@73738: | | | | | | | <unpack_filename
T@73738: | | | | | | | >handler::open
T@73738: | | | | | | | | enter: name: ./capitis/capitis_clx_actors  db_type: 12  db_stat: 39  mode: 2  lock_test: 2
T@73738: | | | | | | | | >ha_innobase::open
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | >hash_search
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | <hash_search
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | | enter: Size: 237
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | | exit: ptr: 88e92a0
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | >thr_lock_init
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | | >list_add
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | | | enter: root: 88e03f8  element: 88e92a0
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | | <list_add
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | <thr_lock_init
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | >my_multi_malloc
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | | | enter: Size: 1168
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | | | exit: ptr: 88e8080
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | <my_multi_malloc
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | >info
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | <info
T@73738: | | | | | | | | <ha_innobase::open
T@73738: | | | | | | | <handler::open
T@73738: | | | | | | <openfrm
T@73738: | | | | | <open_unireg_entry
T@73738: | | | | | info: inserting table 0x88dc0d0 into the cache
T@73738: | | | | <open_table
T@73738: | | | | >open_table
T@73738: | | | | | >hash_search
T@73738: | | | | | <hash_search
T@73738: | | | | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | | | | enter: Size: 840
T@73738: | | | | | | exit: ptr: 88e8530
T@73738: | | | | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | | | >open_unireg_entry
T@73738: | | | | | | >openfrm
T@73738: | | | | | | | enter: name: './capitis/capitis_clx_album'  form: 88e8530
T@73738: | | | | | | | >init_alloc_root
T@73738: | | | | | | | | enter: root: 88e8670
T@73738: | | | | | | | <init_alloc_root
T@73738: | | | | | | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | | | | | | enter: Size: 968
T@73738: | | | | | | | | exit: ptr: 88e8898
T@73738: | | | | | | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | | | | | >fn_ext
T@73738: | | | | | | | | mfunkt: name: 'capitis_clx_album'
T@73738: | | | | | | | | >dirname_part
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | enter: 'capitis_clx_album'
T@73738: | | | | | | | | <dirname_part
T@73738: | | | | | | | <fn_ext
T@73738: | | | | | | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | | | | | | enter: Size: 2
T@73738: | | | | | | | | exit: ptr: 88dbc98
T@73738: | | | | | | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | | | | | >fn_format
T@73738: | | | | | | | | enter: name: ./capitis/capitis_clx_album  dir:   extension: .frm  flag: 4
T@73738: | | | | | | | | >dirname_part
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | enter: './capitis/capitis_clx_album'
T@73738: | | | | | | | | <dirname_part
T@73738: | | | | | | | | >unpack_dirname
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | >dirname_part
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | | enter: './capitis/'
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | <dirname_part
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | >cleanup_dirname
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | | enter: from: './capitis/'
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | | exit: to: './capitis/'
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | <cleanup_dirname
T@73738: | | | | | | | | <unpack_dirname
T@73738: | | | | | | | | >strlength
T@73738: | | | | | | | | <strlength
T@73738: | | | | | | | <fn_format
T@73738: | | | | | | | >my_open
T@73738: | | | | | | | | my: Name: './capitis/capitis_clx_album.frm'  Flags: 0  MyFlags: 0
T@73738: | | | | | | | <my_open
T@73738: | | | | | | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | | | | | | enter: Size: 32
T@73738: | | | | | | | | exit: ptr: 88e0508
T@73738: | | | | | | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | | | | | exit: fd: 11
T@73738: | | | | | | | >fn_ext
T@73738: | | | | | | | | mfunkt: name: './capitis/capitis_clx_album'
T@73738: | | | | | | | | >dirname_part
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | enter: './capitis/capitis_clx_album'
T@73738: | | | | | | | | <dirname_part
T@73738: | | | | | | | <fn_ext
T@73738: | | | | | | | >my_read
T@73738: | | | | | | | | my: Fd: 11  Buffer: 41fcdd4c  Count: 64  MyFlags: 4
T@73738: | | | | | | | <my_read
T@73738: | | | | | | | >get_form_pos
T@73738: | | | | | | | | >my_seek
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | my: Fd: 11  Hpos: 0  Pos: 64  Whence: 0  MyFlags: 0
T@73738: | | | | | | | | <my_seek
T@73738: | | | | | | | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | enter: Size: 7
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | exit: ptr: 88dbcc0
T@73738: | | | | | | | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | | | | | | >my_read
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | my: Fd: 11  Buffer: 88dbcc0  Count: 7  MyFlags: 4
T@73738: | | | | | | | | <my_read
T@73738: | | | | | | | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | enter: ptr: 88dbcc0
T@73738: | | | | | | | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | | | | | | <get_form_pos
T@73738: | | | | | | | >fn_ext
T@73738: | | | | | | | | mfunkt: name: './capitis/capitis_clx_album.frm'
T@73738: | | | | | | | | >dirname_part
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | enter: './capitis/capitis_clx_album.frm'
T@73738: | | | | | | | | <dirname_part
T@73738: | | | | | | | <fn_ext
T@73738: | | | | | | | >my_seek
T@73738: | | | | | | | | my: Fd: 11  Hpos: 0  Pos: 4096  Whence: 0  MyFlags: 0
T@73738: | | | | | | | <my_seek
T@73738: | | | | | | | >read_string
T@73738: | | | | | | | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | enter: ptr: 0
T@73738: | | | | | | | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | | | | | | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | enter: Size: 146
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | exit: ptr: 88e9d68
T@73738: | | | | | | | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | | | | | | >my_read
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | my: Fd: 11  Buffer: 88e9d68  Count: 145  MyFlags: 4
T@73738: | | | | | | | | <my_read
T@73738: | | | | | | | <read_string
T@73738: | | | | | | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | | | | | | enter: Size: 968
T@73738: | | | | | | | | exit: ptr: 88e8c80
T@73738: | | | | | | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | | | | | >my_pread
T@73738: | | | | | | | | my: Fd: 11  Seek: 4972  Buffer: 88e8c90  Count: 280  MyFlags: 4
T@73738: | | | | | | | <my_pread
T@73738: | | | | | | | >my_seek
T@73738: | | | | | | | | my: Fd: 11  Hpos: 0  Pos: 8192  Whence: 0  MyFlags: 0
T@73738: | | | | | | | <my_seek
T@73738: | | | | | | | >my_read
T@73738: | | | | | | | | my: Fd: 11  Buffer: 41fcdd4c  Count: 288  MyFlags: 4
T@73738: | | | | | | | <my_read
T@73738: | | | | | | | info: i_count: 0  i_parts: 0  index: 4  n_length: 28  int_length: 0  com_length: 0
T@73738: | | | | | | | >read_string
T@73738: | | | | | | | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | enter: ptr: 88e9d68
T@73738: | | | | | | | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | | | | | | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | enter: Size: 183
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | exit: ptr: 88e9d68
T@73738: | | | | | | | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | | | | | | >my_read
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | my: Fd: 11  Buffer: 88e9d68  Count: 182  MyFlags: 4
T@73738: | | | | | | | | <my_read
T@73738: | | | | | | | <read_string
T@73738: | | | | | | | >my_close
T@73738: | | | | | | | | my: fd: 11  MyFlags: 16
T@73738: | | | | | | | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | enter: ptr: 88e0508
T@73738: | | | | | | | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | | | | | | <my_close
T@73738: | | | | | | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | | | | | | enter: Size: 968
T@73738: | | | | | | | | exit: ptr: 88f42b8
T@73738: | | | | | | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | | | | | >find_type
T@73738: | | | | | | | | enter: x: 'PRIMARY'  lib: 88e85c8
T@73738: | | | | | | | <find_type
T@73738: | | | | | | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | | | | | | enter: ptr: 88e9d68
T@73738: | | | | | | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | | | | | | >unpack_filename
T@73738: | | | | | | | | >dirname_part
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | enter: './capitis/capitis_clx_album'
T@73738: | | | | | | | | <dirname_part
T@73738: | | | | | | | | >unpack_dirname
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | >dirname_part
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | | enter: './capitis/'
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | <dirname_part
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | >cleanup_dirname
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | | enter: from: './capitis/'
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | | exit: to: './capitis/'
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | <cleanup_dirname
T@73738: | | | | | | | | <unpack_dirname
T@73738: | | | | | | | <unpack_filename
T@73738: | | | | | | | >handler::open
T@73738: | | | | | | | | enter: name: ./capitis/capitis_clx_album  db_type: 12  db_stat: 39  mode: 2  lock_test: 2
T@73738: | | | | | | | | >ha_innobase::open
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | >hash_search
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | <hash_search
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | | enter: Size: 236
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | | exit: ptr: 88e93b0
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | >thr_lock_init
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | | >list_add
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | | | enter: root: 88e92a0  element: 88e93b0
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | | <list_add
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | <thr_lock_init
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | >my_multi_malloc
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | | | enter: Size: 1168
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | | | exit: ptr: 88f46a0
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | <my_multi_malloc
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | >info
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | <info
T@73738: | | | | | | | | <ha_innobase::open
T@73738: | | | | | | | <handler::open
T@73738: | | | | | | <openfrm
T@73738: | | | | | <open_unireg_entry
T@73738: | | | | | info: inserting table 0x88e8530 into the cache
T@73738: | | | | <open_table
T@73738: | | | | >open_table
T@73738: | | | | | >hash_search
T@73738: | | | | | <hash_search
T@73738: | | | | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | | | | enter: Size: 840
T@73738: | | | | | | exit: ptr: 88f4b50
T@73738: | | | | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | | | >open_unireg_entry
T@73738: | | | | | | >openfrm
T@73738: | | | | | | | enter: name: './capitis/capitis_clx_director'  form: 88f4b50
T@73738: | | | | | | | >init_alloc_root
T@73738: | | | | | | | | enter: root: 88f4c90
T@73738: | | | | | | | <init_alloc_root
T@73738: | | | | | | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | | | | | | enter: Size: 968
T@73738: | | | | | | | | exit: ptr: 88f4eb8
T@73738: | | | | | | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | | | | | >fn_ext
T@73738: | | | | | | | | mfunkt: name: 'capitis_clx_director'
T@73738: | | | | | | | | >dirname_part
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | enter: 'capitis_clx_director'
T@73738: | | | | | | | | <dirname_part
T@73738: | | | | | | | <fn_ext
T@73738: | | | | | | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | | | | | | enter: Size: 2
T@73738: | | | | | | | | exit: ptr: 88dbcc0
T@73738: | | | | | | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | | | | | >fn_format
T@73738: | | | | | | | | enter: name: ./capitis/capitis_clx_director  dir:   extension: .frm  flag: 4
T@73738: | | | | | | | | >dirname_part
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | enter: './capitis/capitis_clx_director'
T@73738: | | | | | | | | <dirname_part
T@73738: | | | | | | | | >unpack_dirname
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | >dirname_part
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | | enter: './capitis/'
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | <dirname_part
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | >cleanup_dirname
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | | enter: from: './capitis/'
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | | exit: to: './capitis/'
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | <cleanup_dirname
T@73738: | | | | | | | | <unpack_dirname
T@73738: | | | | | | | | >strlength
T@73738: | | | | | | | | <strlength
T@73738: | | | | | | | <fn_format
T@73738: | | | | | | | >my_open
T@73738: | | | | | | | | my: Name: './capitis/capitis_clx_director.frm'  Flags: 0  MyFlags: 0
T@73738: | | | | | | | <my_open
T@73738: | | | | | | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | | | | | | enter: Size: 35
T@73738: | | | | | | | | exit: ptr: 88e0508
T@73738: | | | | | | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | | | | | exit: fd: 11
T@73738: | | | | | | | >fn_ext
T@73738: | | | | | | | | mfunkt: name: './capitis/capitis_clx_director'
T@73738: | | | | | | | | >dirname_part
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | enter: './capitis/capitis_clx_director'
T@73738: | | | | | | | | <dirname_part
T@73738: | | | | | | | <fn_ext
T@73738: | | | | | | | >my_read
T@73738: | | | | | | | | my: Fd: 11  Buffer: 41fcdd4c  Count: 64  MyFlags: 4
T@73738: | | | | | | | <my_read
T@73738: | | | | | | | >get_form_pos
T@73738: | | | | | | | | >my_seek
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | my: Fd: 11  Hpos: 0  Pos: 64  Whence: 0  MyFlags: 0
T@73738: | | | | | | | | <my_seek
T@73738: | | | | | | | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | enter: Size: 7
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | exit: ptr: 88e94c0
T@73738: | | | | | | | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | | | | | | >my_read
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | my: Fd: 11  Buffer: 88e94c0  Count: 7  MyFlags: 4
T@73738: | | | | | | | | <my_read
T@73738: | | | | | | | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | enter: ptr: 88e94c0
T@73738: | | | | | | | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | | | | | | <get_form_pos
T@73738: | | | | | | | >fn_ext
T@73738: | | | | | | | | mfunkt: name: './capitis/capitis_clx_director.frm'
T@73738: | | | | | | | | >dirname_part
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | enter: './capitis/capitis_clx_director.frm'
T@73738: | | | | | | | | <dirname_part
T@73738: | | | | | | | <fn_ext
T@73738: | | | | | | | >my_seek
T@73738: | | | | | | | | my: Fd: 11  Hpos: 0  Pos: 4096  Whence: 0  MyFlags: 0
T@73738: | | | | | | | <my_seek
T@73738: | | | | | | | >read_string
T@73738: | | | | | | | | >_myfree
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | enter: ptr: 0
T@73738: | | | | | | | | <_myfree
T@73738: | | | | | | | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | enter: Size: 152
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | exit: ptr: 88e9d68
T@73738: | | | | | | | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | | | | | | >my_read
T@73738: | | | | | | | | | my: Fd: 11  Buffer: 88e9d68  Count: 151  MyFlags: 4
T@73738: | | | | | | | | <my_read
T@73738: | | | | | | | <read_string
T@73738: | | | | | | | >_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | | | | | | enter: Size: 968
T@73738: | | | | | | | | exit: ptr: 88f52a0
T@73738: | | | | | | | <_mymalloc
T@73738: | | | | | | | >my_pread
T@73738: | | | | | | | | my: Fd: 11  Seek: 4972  Buffer: 88f52b0  Count: 280  MyFlags: 4
T@73738: | | | | | | | <my_pread
T@73738: | | | | | | | >my_seek

How to repeat:
Just insert large amount of data into serveral tables and select data use group_concat from all these tables at once.

Suggested fix:
No clue. Temporary workaround would be to restart the mysql server, but this would be difficult if there are a large number of update/insert per minute happening......
[10 Jul 2003 8:49] Anand -
Another workaround i found would be to do a "flush table"
[19 Sep 2003 15:38] Vasily Kishkin
I am so sorry, but all works fine. Probably you need to update your mysql.