Bug #8233 Encoding is always null in Connection.execSQL method
Submitted: 1 Feb 2005 9:17 Modified: 1 Feb 2005 14:12
Reporter: Victor Pyankov Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:Connector / J Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:3.1.6 OS:Any (All)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[1 Feb 2005 9:17] Victor Pyankov
For MySql 4.1.8 we use ConnectionProperties.setUseUnicode method (see com/mysql/jdbc/Connection.java, line 2870).

For MySql 4.0.x we use ConnectionProperties.setDoUnicode method (see com/mysql/jdbc/Connection.java, line 2687 and 2716).

Unfortunately, setDoUnicode metod is lacking following line:

        this.useUnicodeAsBoolean = this.useUnicode.getValueAsBoolean();

As result encoding is always null in Connection.execSQL method (see com/mysql/jdbc/Connection.java, line 2288) for MySql server 4.0.x, Connector/J 3.1.6 and cp1251 charset on server. 

How to repeat:
See mentioned source code.

Suggested fix:
Add line to setDoUnicode method:

     * @param property
    protected void setDoUnicode(boolean property) {
         // addition beg
        this.useUnicodeAsBoolean = this.useUnicode.getValueAsBoolean();
         // addition end

(see also attached file)

May be it is possible to use only setUseUnicode?
[1 Feb 2005 9:20] Victor Pyankov
ConnectionProperties.java (fixed)

Attachment: ConnectionProperties.java (application/octet-stream, text), 88.98 KiB.

[1 Feb 2005 14:12] Mark Matthews
You are correct. Connection.setDoUnicode() should not be used, Connection.setUseUnicode() is the correct method. The setDoUnicode() method will be removed for 3.1.7.