Bug #82316 MySQL Router Does not have reload option
Submitted: 22 Jul 2016 7:25 Modified: 2 Aug 2016 4:17
Reporter: Nirav Shah Email Updates:
Status: Verified Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Router Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:2.0.3 OS:Any
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: MySQL Router Reload

[22 Jul 2016 7:25] Nirav Shah
MySQL Router is designed for the HA environment. But it has missing basic feature of reload connection to replace HAProxy with same software.

Let's take simple example that We have 3 read slave nodes.And router is configured accordingly.

Now, as per business requirement we added 2 more slave nodes, now without affecting existing connection how to add this servers in the same group?

How to repeat:
Description states the scenario.

Suggested fix:
Add a reload option, which should not affect existing connection.
Also if possible create admin console to perform such operation.
[2 Aug 2016 4:17] MySQL Verification Team
Hello Nirav Shah,

Thank you for the reasonable feature request and feedback!
