Bug #81597 mysqlsh does not detect object changes from other sessions
Submitted: 25 May 2016 17:02 Modified: 27 May 2016 5:31
Reporter: Giuseppe Maxia (OCA) Email Updates:
Status: Verified Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Document Store: MySQL Shell Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:5.7.12 OS:Any
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[25 May 2016 17:02] Giuseppe Maxia
Create a collection:

mysql-js> db.createCollection('somethingNew')

mysql-js> db.collections
    "CountryInfo": <Collection:CountryInfo>,
    "somethingNew": <Collection:somethingNew>

Without closing the mysqlsh session, run this command in a SQL client:

mysql [localhost] {msandbox} (world_x) > drop table somethingNew;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)

Then return to the open session in mysqlsh:

mysql-js> db.collections
    "CountryInfo": <Collection:CountryInfo>,
    "somethingNew": <Collection:somethingNew>
mysql-js> db.getCollections()
    "CountryInfo": <Collection:CountryInfo>,
    "somethingNew": <Collection:somethingNew>

The table removal in a parallel session is ignored in the current session, as mysqlsh only collects information at login time.

How to repeat:
see above.
See also http://datacharmer.blogspot.com/2016/05/taking-mysql-document-store-for-spin.html for more detail on this issue.
[27 May 2016 5:31] MySQL Verification Team
Hello Giuseppe,

Thank you for the report and test case.
