Bug #81104 Run SQL queries on the EER diagram
Submitted: 16 Apr 2016 0:33 Modified: 5 Feb 2018 10:34
Reporter: Rui Melo Email Updates:
Status: Verified Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench: Modeling Severity:S4 (Feature request)
Version:6.3.10 OS:MacOS (El Capitan)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: modeling, MySQL, queries, run, SQL, workbench

[16 Apr 2016 0:33] Rui Melo
I would like to see implemented a way to run SQL queries directly into the EER diagram. 
The need for this came from trying to find a way to update all tables inserts from a previous database version created trough the Forward Engineer of the diagram.

This way I could export all tables inserts and just run on top of the diagram a have my development database (EER diagram) be synced with my production database.

A better way would be to have the diagram have some sort of sync connection, and everything that happened on the production database would be automatically synced to the development diagram.

At first I thought the Reverse Engineer was the functionality I was looking for but when I reversed from my production table (that has the same exact name in the diagram), the resulting diagram lost all layers, notes, colors, Diagram properties and Sizes and all the inserts (I even tried to look for any option in the Reverse Engineer wizard to allow inserts but there wasn't any).

Thank you,

How to repeat:
The need for this came from trying to find a way to update all tables inserts from a previous database version created trough the Forward Engineer of the diagram.
[16 Apr 2016 0:35] Rui Melo
comma separated tags correction
[5 Feb 2018 10:34] MySQL Verification Team
Hello Rui Melo,

Thank you for the feature request!
