Bug #8031 .mysqlcc directory should be in %APPDATA
Submitted: 20 Jan 2005 8:40 Modified: 20 Jan 2005 11:17
Reporter: Henrik Gemal Email Updates:
Status: Won't fix Impact on me:
Category:MySQLCC Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:0.9.4 OS:Windows (Windows)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[20 Jan 2005 8:40] Henrik Gemal
currenctly the .mysqlcc directory in in
C:\Documents and Settings\Henrik Gemal\
when it should be in
C:\Documents and Settings\Henrik Gemal\Application Data\

How to repeat:
just start it

Suggested fix:
move the .mysqlcc directory to:
C:\Documents and Settings\Henrik Gemal\Application Data\
[20 Jan 2005 11:17] Aleksey Kishkin
Thank you for your interest in the MySQL graphical administration tools.
We recommend that you use our MySQL Administrator and MySQL Query
Browser.  The MySQLGUI and MySQL Command Center legacy products are
deprecated, and we are no longer maintaining those projects.

For more information on MySQL Administrator, see: