Bug #79791 Allow optional supression of Connection Warnings
Submitted: 29 Dec 2015 1:43 Modified: 3 Feb 2018 18:25
Reporter: David Beroff Email Updates:
Status: Verified Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench Severity:S4 (Feature request)
Version:6.3.6 OS:Windows (Win 7 v 6.1 SP 1)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[29 Dec 2015 1:43] David Beroff
My host recently replaced MySQL server with MariaDB, as follows:

Server type: MariaDB
Server version: 10.0.16-MariaDB-1-log - (Debian)
Protocol version: 10

Every time I connect to any database, I get the warning:

   Connection Warning (name)

   Incompatible/nonstandard server version or connection protocol detected (10.0.16).

   A connection to this database can be established but some MySQL Workbench features may not work properly since the database is not fully compatible with the supported versions of MySQL.

   MySQL Workbench is developed and tested for MySQL Server versions 5.1, 5.5, 5.6 and 5.7

   [Continue Anyway]  [Cancel]

I'm ok with the above being displayed once.  What I am requesting is to add a checkbox near the bottom of that dialog, just above the buttons, along the lines of:

[ ] Do not display this warning for this connection again.

Default: unchecked, i.e., continue current behavior of always displaying the warning.

The idea here is that I have no ability to change the database server, and it's jarring to have such a warning appear constantly, especially when nothing can be done to resolve it.  There's a further risk of possibly missing an unrelated warning in the future, due to "blindness", i.e., acclimation to dismissing warnings.

Thank you.

How to repeat:
(feature request)

Suggested fix:
See above.
[3 Feb 2018 12:20] MySQL Verification Team
Hello David Beroff,

Thank you for the feedback and feature request.
MySQL Workbench fully supports MySQL server versions 5.5 and higher. It is also compatible with older MySQL server 5.x versions, except in certain situations (like displaying the process list) due to changed system tables. It does not support MySQL server versions 4.x.  

[3 Feb 2018 18:25] David Beroff
Of course, Umesh; I understand.  I'm not asking to remove the error message,
just for an option to let the end-user dismiss it.  I do understand that 
MySQL has no obligation to support MariaDB, but as long as Workbench works
with it, we might as well all get along.  The checkbox will also have the
benefit of helping to prevent "blindness" to other, potentially more serious
pop-up messages.

Thanks again for verifying this report, and for your kind help in the matter!