Bug #79676 Brings system to a halt
Submitted: 16 Dec 2015 17:32 Modified: 17 Dec 2015 9:00
Reporter: Ken Gillett Email Updates:
Status: Verified Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench: Modeling Severity:S1 (Critical)
Version:6.3.6 OS:MacOS (El Capitan)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[16 Dec 2015 17:32] Ken Gillett
Try to create model from SQL script. Tables are created within fractions of a second then it seems to get no further, but a lot of disk activity and the system grinds to a halt. Bluetooth mouse ceases to function, USB keyboard also inoperative, but USB mouse still moving the cursor, even though cannot seem to click anything.

The problem appears to be time related. Things do eventually work, but a click can take 10 minutes to process. MySQLWorkBench has brought the entire system to a standstill. This shouldn't even be possible in a unix like OS such as OS X.

In the end, just had to pull the plug and crash the machine.

How to repeat:
Restart and try the same thing again. 

Suggested fix:
Don't try it again.
[16 Dec 2015 23:05] MySQL Verification Team
Memory application quit dialog

Attachment: quit.png (image/png, text), 117.41 KiB.

[16 Dec 2015 23:08] MySQL Verification Team
Thank you for the bug report.
[17 Dec 2015 9:00] Ken Gillett
Yes, total and absolute loss of memory is what it looks like, but I never saw any warning dialog and it was not possible to open the Force Quit dialog, nothing was working, except continuous disk thrashing so it hadn't simply hung.

On one re-try however I already had Force Quit open in readiness and when MWB ran wild I was able to kill it and then gradually things improved and I was able to continue (and still am) using the Machine (Mac Pro with 8 Gb ram and umpteen CPUs). So the memory was obviously recovered once MWB was dead.

I have since successfully run a shorter script that just created the tables and that completed without halting the machine. So the problem would appear to be with the latter part of the script that tried to ALTER TABLE to add indexes, relationships etc. I could send the script if required. I still cannot fathom how something like this can cause MWB to run amok with such disastrous consequences.
[23 Mar 2016 11:33] Milosz Bodzek
Thank you for the bug report Ken. Can you attach your script that we can reproduce and fix issue?