Bug #79463 Improve P_S configuration behaviour
Submitted: 30 Nov 2015 20:16 Modified: 25 Aug 2016 10:53
Reporter: Simon Mudd (OCA) Email Updates:
Status: Verified Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Performance Schema Severity:S4 (Feature request)
Version:5.7.9,8.0 OS:Any
Assigned to: Marc ALFF CPU Architecture:Any

[30 Nov 2015 20:16] Simon Mudd
In MySQL 5.7.9 I want to configure 2 different settings which don't use their defaults.

So /etc/my.cnf says:


The problem is that to set these settings they need to be configured differently.
This is because there are no 'timed' settings for P_S.setup_instruments but there are for wait/% values.

How to repeat:
My initial attempt has been to do:

(a) update setup_instruments set enabled = 'YES', TIMED= 'YES' where name = 'wait/lock/metadata/sql/mdl';
(b) update setup_instruments set enabled = 'YES', TIMED= 'YES' where name like 'memory/%';

but given I'm doing this via a script the TIMED column does not change from TIMED='NO', so my script thinks it has not configured the change correctly.

This requires my script to have knowledge of which setup_instruments settings have timed values and which don't.

Suggested fix:
(1) in MySQL 5.7 if I run query (b) please generate a warning that I'm trying to update a column which can't be changed if this is the case
(2) in MySQL 5.8 please add a column such as HAS_TIMER_INFO ('YES'/'NO') which I can use to allow me to only try to change the TIMED column if HAS_TIMER_INFO = 'YES'. That is easy to add to my SQL script and avoids me having to hard-code knowledge into the script of whether each instruments has or doesn't not have TIMER support etc.

Thus I can split (b) into 2 queries and avoiding hard-coded knowledge in scripts about P_S content.

(c)  update setup_instruments set enabled = 'YES' where name like 'memory/%';
(d)  update setup_instruments set TIMED = 'YES' where name like 'memory/%' and HAS_TIMER_INFO = 'YES'
[30 Nov 2015 20:17] Simon Mudd
Sorry: there are no TIMED values for p_s.setup_instruments memory/% values.
[18 Jun 2016 21:35] Omer Barnir
Posted by developer:
Reported version value updated to reflect release name change from 5.8 to 8.0