Bug #79388 EER diagram table locator
Submitted: 23 Nov 2015 15:16 Modified: 31 Jan 2018 17:26
Reporter: Andras Gyomrey Email Updates:
Status: Verified Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench: Modeling Severity:S4 (Feature request)
Version:6.3.10 OS:Any
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[23 Nov 2015 15:16] Andras Gyomrey
If you have a large number of tables in an EER Diagram, you are going to
want to locate a table graphically in the diagram by giving it's name or
choosing it from the schema table list. Right now that's impossible and
looking for a table manually in a diagram among other 200 tables is really
a PITA. Please consider adding a feature which moves the viewport to the
location of a table chosen from the left side panel.

How to repeat:
1. Choose a table from the left panel in the EER diagram
2. Try to locate that table in the right panel (graphic diagram) among 200 tables
3. Spend a lot of time in a really large grid.
[31 Jan 2018 17:26] MySQL Verification Team
Hello Andras,

Thank you for the feature request.
