Bug #79345 Yum install of mysql-utilities-1.5.6-1.el6.src.rpm fails
Submitted: 19 Nov 2015 17:54 Modified: 29 Apr 2018 21:31
Reporter: monty solomon Email Updates:
Status: Verified Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Utilities Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version: OS:CentOS (6)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[19 Nov 2015 17:54] monty solomon
Trying to install the mysql-utilities-1.5.6-1.el6.src.rpm file using yum fails.

Why is it distributed in .rpm format?

The documentation states that the source code is available in .zip or .tar.gz formats but the download page for the platform "source code" lists only .zip or .rpm files.


The source code repository for MySQL Utilities includes all of the utility code as well as the MySQL Utilities library and manual pages. It is available as an architecture independent distribution, in either Zip archive format (.zip file) or compressed tar archive format (.tar.gz file).


Windows (Architecture Independent), ZIP Archive	1.5.6	0.9M	
(mysql-utilities-1.5.6.zip)	MD5: bb2eb4d3b5e332bae4d36f026f03e059 | Signature
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 (Architecture Independent), RPM Package	1.5.6	2.3M	
(mysql-utilities-1.5.6-1.sles12.src.rpm)	MD5: 6a3e193eaade3f5ea386c7658f8b93c9
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 (Architecture Independent), RPM Package	1.5.6	2.3M	
(mysql-utilities-1.5.6-1.sles11.src.rpm)	MD5: 69cf6a06f075321e1a82f65bc68bd8c5
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 / Oracle Linux 7 (Architecture Independent), RPM Package	1.5.6	2.3M	
(mysql-utilities-1.5.6-1.el7.src.rpm)	MD5: 48541c9b54c0acace692bcf8e8748873
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 / Oracle Linux 6 (Architecture Independent), RPM Package	1.5.6	2.3M	
(mysql-utilities-1.5.6-1.el6.src.rpm)	MD5: 39cb1f73df6ec6a6146e1d67d67b09a0

How to repeat:
download mysql-utilities-1.5.6-1.el6.src.rpm

# yum -q localinstall mysql-utilities-1.5.6-1.el6.src.rpm
Cannot add package mysql-utilities-1.5.6-1.el6.src.rpm to transaction. Not a compatible architecture: src
[19 Nov 2015 21:17] MySQL Verification Team
Thank you for the bug report.
[4 Aug 2016 20:02] Philip Olson
Posted by developer:
This was fixed in the documentation, thank you for the bug report.
[6 Aug 2016 0:59] monty solomon
What was updated in the documentation?

The documentation still states that the source code is available as a tar.gz file but there is no tar.gz source download available for 1.6.4 or 1.5.6.

The zip file "mysql-utilities-1.6.4.zip" and the zip file included in the rpm file "mysql-utilities-1.6.4-1.el6.src.rpm" contain different sets of files.

# diff -r rpm zip
Only in rpm/mysql-utilities-1.6.4: check.py
Only in rpm/mysql-utilities-1.6.4: freeze.py
Only in rpm/mysql-utilities-1.6.4: .gitignore
Only in rpm/mysql-utilities-1.6.4: .gitmodules
Only in rpm/mysql-utilities-1.6.4: internal
Only in rpm/mysql-utilities-1.6.4: MANIFEST.in
Only in zip/mysql-utilities-1.6.4/mysql: connector
Only in rpm/mysql-utilities-1.6.4: mysql-test
Only in rpm/mysql-utilities-1.6.4: package.py
Only in zip/mysql-utilities-1.6.4: PKG-INFO
Only in rpm/mysql-utilities-1.6.4: support
Only in rpm/mysql-utilities-1.6.4/unit_tests: sample-general.log
Only in rpm/mysql-utilities-1.6.4/unit_tests: sample-slow.log
Only in rpm: mysql-utilities-1.6.4.zip
Only in rpm: mysql_utilities.spec

The zip file in the rpm file has a different md5 from the md5 of the standalone zip file.

74c1e2a16abae2508fd30baf9ef3e58c  mysql-utilities-1.6.4.zip

c09ea703c32d717f0b39ff93e6e4e9ba  rpm/mysql-utilities-1.6.4.zip
[6 Aug 2016 1:19] monty solomon
There is a tar.gz file in the "Linux - Generic" platform on the download page. Is that intended to be the source tar.gz file referenced in the documentation? It does not appear in the "Source Code" platform.