Bug #79171 mysqldump diff-friendly extended-insert
Submitted: 8 Nov 2015 0:13 Modified: 19 Nov 2015 15:29
Reporter: Raphaël Droz Email Updates:
Status: Verified Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: mysqldump Command-line Client Severity:S4 (Feature request)
Version: OS:Any
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[8 Nov 2015 0:13] Raphaël Droz
extended-insert output is quick to restore but not friendly with VCS, even a word-based diff of an extended-insert dump isn't very suitable for human consumption.

Having the possibility to split extended-insert values using newlines would provide the best of both world: efficient-to-restore *and* (more) readable dump files.

For reference: http://blog.lavoie.sl/2014/06/split-mysqldump-extended-inserts.html
(this guy wrote .sql dumps parser to split the sets of VALUES() in order to do that). But IHMO that's a sane and useful enough feature to be directly implemented inside the mysqldump client.


How to repeat:
[8 Nov 2015 16:40] MySQL Verification Team
[19 Nov 2015 15:29] Georgi Kodinov
Thank you for the reasonable feature request.