The path argument is a recurring theme in many of the JSON functions. Yet there seems to be no single piece of documentation that clearly describes the syntax of JSON paths in MySQL.
For example, mentions "the * and ** wildcard" several times, but I cannot locate any documentation that explains what they do and where they may appear.
The page contains an example of the * wildcard (but not the ** wildcard) but does not explain only show.
Things I observed that are - AFAICS - document nowhere:
1) The * wildcard works for properties too, not just array access:
mysql> SELECT JSON_EXTRACT('{"name1": "boe", "name2": [1,2]}', '$.*');
| JSON_EXTRACT('{"name1": "boe", "name2": [1,2]}', '$.*') |
| ["boe", [1, 2]] |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
2) Although mentioned, the ** wildcard simply doesn't seem to exist:
mysql> SELECT JSON_EXTRACT('{"name1": "boe", "name2": [1,2]}', '$.**');
ERROR 3143 (42000): Invalid JSON path expression. The error is around character position 4 in '$.**'.
3) Propery names in path must be double quoted if the property identifier contains interpunction (spaces, special characters, meta characters), or if the name starts with a digit:
mysql> SELECT JSON_EXTRACT('{"name 1": "boe", "name 2": [1,2]}', '$."name 1"');
| JSON_EXTRACT('{"name 1": "boe", "name 2": [1,2]}', '$."name 1"') |
| "boe" |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> SELECT JSON_EXTRACT('{"name 1": "boe", "name 2": [1,2]}', '$.name 1');
ERROR 3143 (42000): Invalid JSON path expression. The error is around character position 7 in '$.name 1'.
How to repeat:
Suggested fix:
Please provide complete documentation for the path argument.
I arrived at the following EBNF:
mysql-json-path ::= Document-placeholder path-expression?
Document-placeholder ::= '$'
path-expression ::= path-component path-expression*
path-component ::= property-accessor | array-accessor
property-accessor ::= '.' property-identifier
property-identifier ::= Simple-property-name | quoted-property-name | wildcard-identifier
Simple-property-name ::= <Please refer to JavaScript, The Definitive Guide, 2.7. Identifiers>
quoted-property-name ::= '"' string-content* '"'
string-content ::= Non-quote-character | Escaped-quote-character
Non-quote-character ::= <Any character but the double quote character (")>
Escaped-quote-character ::= '\"'
wildcard-identifier ::= '*'
array-accessor ::= '[' element-identifier ']'
element-identifier ::= [0-9]+ | wildcard-identifier