Bug #79045 Hit a bug with brand new installation of mysql 5.7.9 and Oracle Linux 7.1
Submitted: 31 Oct 2015 20:38 Modified: 29 Nov 2019 14:42
Reporter: Oscar Salinas Email Updates:
Status: No Feedback Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:5.7.9 Community OS:Oracle Linux
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: error 1524, New installation, plugin, user

[31 Oct 2015 20:38] Oscar Salinas
Ok, I was having error 1524 when trying to connect to my database with any user saying that "User root@% cannot connect to ip.server,  error 1524 (hy000) plugin '*xxxxxxxxx' is not loaded'
I searched all over the internet to find an answer and I could not find nothing about it
This is how it started

1.- I fresh installed Oracle Linux 7.1, formated the HD
2.- I installed MySQL server 5.7.9 
3.- I created my main 3 users (CREATE USER  'xx'@'%" IDENTIFIED BY             'its.password')
4.- I granted privileges (GRANT ALL ON *.* TO 'my.3.users'@'%')

Still no database

I went to main developer PC and launched WorkBench 6.3 to transfer the schema and BAMM
"User 'xx'@'%' cannot connect to 'ip.server',  error 1524 (hy000) plugin '*xxxxxxxxx' is not loaded' 

3 times I started from step 1 and all 3 times the same error

I looked all over for an answer but could not find nothing on it (at least on the problem I was having)
I did the MYSQL_UPGRADE option and all tables came out OK
I was able to log in to my server as 'localhost' but was not able to if I use the -h parameter with the ip of the server
Looking at the table of one of my other servers I notice that the mysql.user table has a 'plugin' column, and all of them had a value of 'mysql_standard_password ' , so it hit me, I went to the server with the problem and yes, instead of the value of 'mysql_standard_password' it had the value of what supposed to be the password of the user

How to repeat:

1.- I fresh installed Oracle Linux 7.1, formated the HD
2.- I installed MySQL server 5.7.9 
3.- I created my main 3 users (CREATE USER  'xx'@'%" IDENTIFIED BY             'its.password')
4.- I granted privileges (GRANT ALL ON *.* TO 'my.3.users'@'%')

Suggested fix:
To fix the problem I just replace the wrong values with 'mysql_standard_password' and from there on I was able to log in to my server
I had to give the user their password again, grant privileges and flush them
[1 Nov 2015 14:34] Terje Røsten

There seems to be a small typo in your create user line:

    CREATE USER 'xx'@'%" IDENTIFIED BY 'its.password';
" should be ' here ----+

However, that might be a typo in the bug report and not what you
actually sent to the server any way.

I wonder how you connected to the server when you did CREATE USER?

Was that from a different machine, an application or just /usr/bin/mysql 
on the same server?
[2 Nov 2015 0:50] Oscar Salinas
Sorry that was a typo when I typed the error report.

I created the users from the actual server using the local host root user using the mysql> prompt
[29 Oct 2019 14:42] MySQL Verification Team
Are you solved your issue so we can close it?, also try latest release. Thanks.
[30 Nov 2019 1:00] Bugs System
No feedback was provided for this bug for over a month, so it is
being suspended automatically. If you are able to provide the
information that was originally requested, please do so and change
the status of the bug back to "Open".