Bug #78916 mysqldump doesn`t support general tablespace.
Submitted: 22 Oct 2015 7:44 Modified: 15 Dec 2017 8:05
Reporter: Shinya Sugiyama Email Updates:
Status: Verified Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: mysqldump Command-line Client Severity:S4 (Feature request)
Version:5.7.9, 5.7.20 OS:CentOS (6)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: General Tablespace

[22 Oct 2015 7:44] Shinya Sugiyama
When I create replication between server A and Server B,
I couldn't restore the dump file because of general tablespace. 


STEP1@Server A) Backup with mysqldump
mysqldump -u root -p --all-databases --master-data=2 --single-transaction --hex-blob --triggers --routines --events > GTID_fulldump.sql

STEP2@Server B) Restore with mysql command
mysql -u root -p < GTID_fulldump.sql

STEP2 show error message as there is no tables space.


1)  Create a tablespace first, then restore dump file on a new slave server.

CREATE TABLESPACE U_TABLESPACE02_8K ADD DATAFILE '/home/mysql/user_tablespace01.ibd' Engine=InnoDB;

2) Restore with mysql command 

mysql -u root -p < GTID_fulldump.sql

If folder path is same between master and slave, I hope it should be work with

How to repeat:
Same as above.

Suggested fix:
mysqldump should include " CREATE TABLESPACE " command in a dumpfile.
[30 Oct 2015 12:27] Shinya Sugiyama
It seems work on MySQL Enterprise Backup 4.0.
If it works for mysqldump, it might be helpful.
[10 Dec 2015 3:42] Shinya Sugiyama
Change Category
[15 Dec 2017 8:05] MySQL Verification Team
Hello Sugiyama-San,

Thank you for the feature request!

[15 Dec 2017 8:07] MySQL Verification Team
Bug #88879 marked as duplicate of this one