Bug #78648 | MySQL Workbench Action Output doesn't auto scroll | ||
Submitted: | 30 Sep 2015 15:07 | Modified: | 10 Dec 2015 17:26 |
Reporter: | Alexander Petrossian | Email Updates: | |
Status: | Closed | Impact on me: | |
Category: | MySQL Workbench | Severity: | S3 (Non-critical) |
Version: | | OS: | MacOS |
Assigned to: | CPU Architecture: | Any |
[30 Sep 2015 15:07]
Alexander Petrossian
[30 Sep 2015 16:06]
MySQL Verification Team
Thank you for the bug report. I couldn't repeat on MAC OSX Yosemite: MySQL Workbench Community (GPL) for Mac OS X version 6.3.4 revision 0 build 828 (32 bit) Configuration Directory: /Users/miguel/Library/Application Support/MySQL/Workbench Data Directory: /Applications/MySQLWorkbench.app/Contents/Resources Cairo Version: 1.10.2 OS: OS X 10.10.x Yosemite CPU: 4x Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3210M CPU @ 2.50GHz - 16.00GiB RAM Maybe some particular condition to be repeatable?. Thanks.
[1 Oct 2015 12:16]
Alexander Petrossian
Miguel, thanks for pinging me! I've noticed this gets reproduced after I click inside action log (wanted to copy Response field). Then autoscroll stops when clicked line need to be scrolled out of visibility.
[1 Oct 2015 15:00]
MySQL Verification Team
Thank you for the feedback. Now I was able to repeat.
[10 Dec 2015 17:26]
Philip Olson
Posted by developer: Fixed as of the upcoming MySQL Workbench 6.3.6 release, and here's the changelog entry: The Action Output auto-scrolling failed to function after clicking inside the action log. Thank you for the bug report.
[15 Jul 2016 9:31]
Wiebe Cazemier
It's still a problem. Inxi output: System: Host: ltsp5298 Kernel: 4.4.0-28-generic x86_64 (64 bit) Desktop: N/A Distro: Ubuntu 16.04 xenial Machine: Mobo: MSI model: H81M-P33 (MS-7817) v: 1.0 Bios: American Megatrends v: V1.9 date: 03/30/2015 CPU: Quad core Intel Core i5-4460 (-MCP-) cache: 6144 KB clock speeds: max: 3400 MHz 1: 3356 MHz 2: 3365 MHz 3: 3375 MHz 4: 3358 MHz Graphics: Card: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD/ATI] Cedar [Radeon HD 5000/6000/7350/8350 Series] Display Server: X.org 1.18.3 driver: N/A tty size: 237x70 Advanced Data: N/A for root Audio: Card-1 Intel 8 Series/C220 Series High Definition Audio Controller driver: snd_hda_intel Card-2 Advanced Micro Devices [AMD/ATI] Cedar HDMI Audio [Radeon HD 5400/6300 Series] driver: snd_hda_intel Card-3 Logitech Webcam C270 driver: USB Audio Sound: Advanced Linux Sound Architecture v: k4.4.0-28-generic Network: Card: Realtek RTL8111/8168/8411 PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet Controller driver: r8169 IF: enp3s0 state: up speed: 1000 Mbps duplex: full mac: <filter> Drives: HDD Total Size: 500.1GB (8.4% used) ID-1: /dev/sda model: ST500DM002 size: 500.1GB Partition: ID-1: / size: 3.9G used: 308M (8%) fs: overlay dev: N/A ID-2: /home size: 408G used: 241G (63%) fs: nfs4 remote: server:/home RAID: No RAID devices: /proc/mdstat, md_mod kernel module present Sensors: System Temperatures: cpu: 29.8C mobo: 27.8C gpu: 67.0 Fan Speeds (in rpm): cpu: N/A Info: Processes: 249 Uptime: 2:39 Memory: 2117.8/7928.1MB Client: Shell (bash) inxi: 2.2.35
[15 Jul 2016 9:32]
Wiebe Cazemier
Sorry, I backspaced too much. I use version 6.3.6.