Bug #78294 Bugs when submitting new table rows
Submitted: 31 Aug 2015 21:58 Modified: 25 Jan 2017 23:19
Reporter: Kevin Foley Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:6.3.4 OS:Windows (Microsoft Windows 10 Home)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: results grid, rows

[31 Aug 2015 21:58] Kevin Foley
When submitting new rows, the results grid often fails to reload properly after the change is submitting, causing visual and functionality bugs.

When submitting new rows, sometimes when the results grid refreshes, the last row of data will be hidden, with the "null" row missing entirely. When this occurs, any attempt to change any row in the table will fail because Workbench fails to populate the WHERE clause.

Tested using MySQL Workbench 6.3.3 on Windows 7 Home Premium and Windows 10 Home

How to repeat:
*Open a web connection to an online database.
*In the "Navigator" panel, expand a Schema, right-click a table, and choose "Select Rows"
*In the Results Grid, scroll to the bottom of the grid and enter a new row. Press apply
*There is a 50% chance that when the Results Grid refreshes, the bottommost row is hidden unless you click inside it. When this occurs, the "null" row for entering new rows is not visible.
*When the previous problem occurs, make changes to any of the fields in the semi-hidden row. Press Apply
*A SQL error 1064 occurs, because MySQL Workbench fails to populate the "WHERE" clause in the SQL operation (e.g. "SET 'title'='Casablanca' WHERE ")

Workaround: When the last row doesn't show up correctly, press the lightning bolt icon to re-execute the "SELECT * FROM table_name". The results grid will refresh and the problem should go away.

Suggested fix:
Fix the bug with the last row not appearing correctly, which hopefully will resolve the seemingly related bug with the WHERE clause
[31 Aug 2015 22:13] Kevin Foley
Screenshots of the Result Grid when the bug is occurring, and the improperly formatted UPDATE query

Attachment: MySQL Workbench Bug.png (image/png, text), 124.30 KiB.

[1 Sep 2015 15:46] MySQL Verification Team
Please try version 6.3.4. Thanks.
[8 Sep 2015 19:49] Kevin Foley
This bug still occurs in 6.3.4
[19 Oct 2015 13:57] MySQL Verification Team
I am able to repeat the issue in one particular situation: the new typing row is the bottommost one row then we apply is done the "null" row for entering new rows is not visible.
[20 Oct 2015 7:20] Mike Lischke
Just a side note: the "null" row is called the placeholder row.

But otherwise, thanks for the bug report.
[25 Jan 2017 23:19] Christine Cole
Posted by developer:
Fixed as of the upcoming MySQL Workbench 6.3.9 release, and here's the changelog entry:

The placeholder row (last row of the Result Grid with NULL values) was
hidden when new rows were inserted and applied.

Thank you for the bug report.