Bug #7824 How to set utf8 as default character set insteasd of lantin1 ?
Submitted: 12 Jan 2005 4:11 Modified: 12 Jan 2005 8:37
Reporter: Kitty W Email Updates:
Status: Not a Bug Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version: OS:Windows (WinXP)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[12 Jan 2005 4:11] Kitty W
I'm currently using mySQL 4.1.8 with a bug-tracking application- JIRA.
(http://www.atlassian.com/software/jira/) In order to display chinese character in JIRA for bug issues, it needs to have UTF8 character set which we already configured in both JIRA and MySQL. However, when I type "mysql --help" in command prompt, it still shows "lantin1" for default-character-set. I'd like to ask how can I change the default-character-set to UTF8? (I already tried the MySQL server Config Wizard)

How to repeat:
mysql> show variables like "char%";

character_set_client        |  latin1
character_set_connection |  latin1
character_set_database   |  utf8
character_set_results      |  latin1
character_set_server       |  utf8
character_set_system      |  utf8
character_set_dir     | c:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 4.1\share\charsets


c:\> mysql --help

default-character-set           latin1

How can I change this to:

default-character-set           <default-character-set> instead of "lantin1"
[12 Jan 2005 8:37] MySQL Verification Team
We're sorry, but the bug system is not the appropriate forum for 
asking help on using MySQL products. Your problem is not the result 
of a bug.

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Thank you for your interest in MySQL.