Bug #78081 "text object" vs. "note"
Submitted: 15 Aug 2015 4:10 Modified: 5 Feb 2018 12:40
Reporter: Paul Weiss Email Updates:
Status: Verified Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench: Modeling Severity:S4 (Feature request)
Version: build 828 (64 bits) Community, 6.3.10 OS:Windows (Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium SP 1, 64-bit)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: note, Text Object

[15 Aug 2015 4:10] Paul Weiss
Inconsistent terminology referring to the diagram object for text.

How to repeat:
1. On a diagram page, in the diagram editor, on the left side of the diagram, look at the 5th icon down. Observe that the icon includes an "N" (for note, rather than a "T", for text object).
2. Hover over the icon. Observe that tool tip refers to this object as a "text object", whereas the Quick Key is "N" (presumably because "T" is used for tables).
3. Double-click on the new text object. The object editor pops up below the diagram. Observe that the tabs above and below the object editor refer to it as a "note".
4. Navigate to a model page. Observe that there is a section called "Model Notes". These are unrelated to the objects in diagrams.
5. Go to the PDF manual, revision: 44065. Observe that in section, the heading is "The Text Tool", and in 9.1.9 these objects are referred to as "text objects".

(While at those sections in the manual, note also:
* Section says "right-click the text object and choose Edit Note... or Edit in New Window...". Those context menu options are actually "Edit 'text1'..." and Edit 'text1' in New Tab....
* Section says "There is no property in the Properties palette for changing the font used by a text object. To do so, choose the Appearance tab of the Workbench Preferences dialog." Neither of those sentences is currently accurate. There is such a font property in the text object's Properties palette, which works for me. On the other hand, manipulating the Text Figure Text value in Edit > Preferences > Modeling > Appearance seems to have to impact.
I will submit separate feature requests for these if you really want me to.)

Suggested fix:
Consistently refer to these as "text objects" rather than "notes".
[5 Feb 2018 12:40] MySQL Verification Team
Hello Paul Weiss,

Thank you for the feedback!
