Bug #779 Can't change size of indexfile, error: 22
Submitted: 2 Jul 2003 7:34 Modified: 13 Aug 2003 12:48
Reporter: Mark Matthews Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:3.23.54 OS:Windows (Windows)
Assigned to: Vasily Kishkin CPU Architecture:Any

[2 Jul 2003 7:34] Mark Matthews
Running MySQL Distrib 3.23.54, on i32 using Win2000 NTFS. This is
where I see the error:

E:\mysql\data\test>myisamchk -O key_buffer=512M -O sort_buffer=512M -O
read_buffer=64M -O write_buffer=64M -r -S -a rsecpossqs
- recovering (with keycache) MyISAM-table 'rsecpossqs.MYI'
Data records: 54822847
myisamchk: warning: Can't change size of indexfile, error: 22
myisamchk: error: 22 for record at pos 4294967232
MyISAM-table 'rsecpossqs' is not fixed because of errors
Try fixing it by using the --safe-recover (-o) or the --force (-f) option

And this is about 4 hours after starting the command; right after myisamchk
runs through counting up the rows.

The table is the standard size, no adjustments have been made to the
AVG_ROW_LENGTH and MAX_ROWS yet. File sizes are:

4,294,967,268 rsecpossqs.MYD
4,383,221,760 rsecpossqs.MYI

at the moment. Should be cut in half after the optimize because of deletes.
Will be looking at merge tables later, but I need this working in the

Output from myisamchk -dv rsecpossqs.myi

MyISAM file:         rsecpossqs.myi
Record format:       Packed
Character set:       latin1 (8)
File-version:        1
Creation time:       2002-10-18 22:39:44
Recover time:        2002-10-19 23:38:27
Status:              changed
Data records:             54822847  Deleted blocks:          40358029
Datafile parts:           95419877  Deleted data:          1772432408
Datafile pointer (bytes):        4  Keyfile pointer (bytes):        4
Datafile length:        4294967268  Keyfile length:        4383221760
Max datafile length:    4294967294  Max keyfile length: 4398046510079
Recordlength:                  101

table description:
Key Start Len Index   Type                     Rec/key         Root
1   2     4   multip. long                           0   1628417024    1024
2   99    3   multip. uint24                         0   2517115904    1024
3   95    4   multip. long                           0   2130399232    1024
4   31    64  multip. char packed stripped           0   1526540288    1024
5   14    16  multip. char packed stripped           0   1576935424    1024

I did some cursory looks through the source code, I've found the following:

my_chsize is being called from the mi_repair function.

Prototype for my_chsize is:

int my_chsize(File fd, my_off_t newlength, myf MyFlags);

my_off_t is a cast of unsigned __int64

inside my_chsize the function chsize is called with a prototype of:

int chsize(int, long);

basicly converting the __int64 into a long.

I'm guessing that the chsize function is a standard c function?

How to repeat:
Create a table with an index ~> 4GB on Windows.

Suggested fix:
The problem is the chsize function which only supports long integer for file
size.  I changed the config-win.h line 232 #define HAVE_CHSIZE to #undef
HAVE_CHSIZE so that the code no longer uses the chsize function.  The other
code which is implemented instead seems to correctly use __int64
all the way through, as far as I can tell (being a neophyte C programmer).

When I made the change and recompiled the myisamchk program, the execution
seems to complete successfully (although I do not know if it breaks
something else).
[2 Jul 2003 7:50] Mark Matthews
This is a duplicate of BUG#778.
[13 Aug 2003 12:48] Vasily Kishkin
Thank you for your bug report. This issue has been committed to our
source repository of that product and will be incorporated into the
next release.

If necessary, you can access the source repository and build the latest
available version, including the bugfix, yourself. More information 
about accessing the source trees is available at