Bug #76495 Allow Model Diagrams to have different page sizes
Submitted: 26 Mar 2015 15:53 Modified: 2 Feb 2018 11:57
Reporter: Axel Pardemann Email Updates:
Status: Verified Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench: Modeling Severity:S4 (Feature request)
Version:6.2.5 OS:Windows (Microsoft Windows 8.1 Pro)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: diagram, model, page size

[26 Mar 2015 15:53] Axel Pardemann
Currently if I change the diagram paper size, it changes the paper size on all diagrams inside the model. Not all diagrams need to be the same paper size, so it would be nice if the paper size applied only to the current diagram.

How to repeat:
1. Open a diagram inside a model.
2. Select File > Page Setup...
3. Change the paper size.
4. Open another diagram inside the model.
5. Select File > Page Setup...

The paper size is changed in this diagram too.

Suggested fix:
Every diagram should have the paper size individually set.
[2 Feb 2018 11:57] MySQL Verification Team
Thank you for the feature request.