11:44:54 [DB1][ MEB]: The MEB executable is valid [mysqlbackup]
11:44:54 [DB1][ MEB]: The backups home directory is valid [C:\MySQLBackupHome].
11:44:54 [DB1][]: Executing query SELECT host
FROM mysql.user
WHERE user = 'mysqlbackup' AND 'localhost' LIKE host
11:44:54 [DB1][]: Executing query SHOW GRANTS FOR `mysqlbackup`@`localhost`
11:44:54 [DB1][ MEB]: The MySQL account ['mysqlbackup'@localhost] is valid.
11:44:54 [DB1][]: FileOpsLocalWindows: Saving file "C:\MySQLBackupHome\.meb_tmp_config" with backup (sudo="")
11:44:54 [DB1][]: FileOpsLocalWindows: Writing file contents to tmp file "c:\users\mallor~1\appdata\local\temp\tmpzdxer4" as
11:44:54 [DB1][]: MEB account validation output: MySQL Enterprise Backup version 3.11.1 Windows-6.0-x86 [Tue 11/04/2014 ]
Copyright (c) 2003, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
mysqlbackup: INFO: Starting with following command line ...
mysqlbackup --defaults-file=C:\MySQLBackupHome\.meb_tmp_config
--no-history-logging --databases=mysql backup
mysqlbackup: INFO:
mysqlbackup: INFO: MySQL server version is '5.6.23-enterprise-commercial-advanced-log'.
mysqlbackup: INFO: Got some server configuration information from running server.
mysqlbackup: ERROR: Missing or invalid option:
Missing or empty --backup-dir option specified.
Specified Operation:backup
Use --help option for usage description.
How to repeat:
Click on Online Backup or Restore in Workbench