Bug #75926 64-bit ODBC driver config dialog needs "64-bit driver" label
Submitted: 17 Feb 2015 8:29 Modified: 12 Mar 2015 5:27
Reporter: Ameda NA Email Updates:
Status: Verified Impact on me:
Category:Connector / ODBC Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:ALL OS:Windows
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: ODBC 32 64

[17 Feb 2015 8:29] Ameda NA
Deploying MySQL ODBC against SAP Crystal requires accessing \syswow64 folder and would be easier to manage the connections if the drivers dialog showed the bit-version.

How to repeat:
ODBC Drivers > Config MySQL

Suggested fix:
add "64-bit driver", 32 not as important.
[23 Feb 2015 7:10] Chiranjeevi Battula
Hello Ameda NA,

Thank you for the bug report.
Based on internal discussion with dev's for 64-bit driver label register driver as "MySQL Connector ODBC 64-bit Driver" using myodbc-installer.exe utility
Windows has two versions of ODBC administrator: a 32-bit one (\Windows\Syswow64\odbcad32.exe) and 64-bit one (\Windows\System32\odbcad32.exe)
These ODBC administrators don't have labels as well.

[23 Feb 2015 7:28] Ameda NA
Recommended solution,

"MySQL Connector/ODBC 5.2" > "MySQL Connector/ODBC 5.2 32"
"MySQL Connector/ODBC 5.2" > "MySQL Connector/ODBC 5.2 64"

* ODBCAD32.exe *
"MySQL Connector/ODBC" > "MySQL Connector/ODBC 32"
"MySQL Connector/ODBC" > "MySQL Connector/ODBC 64"

2 Changes per build aimed at developers.
[26 Feb 2015 6:55] Chiranjeevi Battula
Hello Ameda NA,

Thank you for your feedback.
Based on internal discussion with dev's we can register the driver using the command line utility myodbc-installer. we can register the driver names manually as "MySQL Connector/ODBC 5.2 32" or any other name would you likes. But the majority of users the default driver names are ok, if you doesn't like provide names, can set a different name to the same driver with out reinstall. below command line to do the trick.

myodbc-installer -d -a -n "MySQL ODBC 5.3 ANSI Driver 32-bit" -t "DRIVER=<path_to_driver_dll>\myodbc5a.dll;SETUP=....\myodbc5S.dll"

[26 Feb 2015 7:03] Ameda NA
These drivers are installed under the same name.  There is no way to identify the 32 or 64-bit driver when uninstalling or re-installing.

Please supply solution.
[26 Feb 2015 8:03] Chiranjeevi Battula
Hello Ameda NA,

Thank you for your feedback.
Based on internal discussion with dev's, working it through the command line is the solution, which we consider sufficient.
If you wants such customization there is the way to do it. I don't see the problem here at all. so, has to use the workaround with myodbc-installer.

[27 Feb 2015 2:49] Ameda NA
msft runtimes.

Attachment: msruntimes.png (image/png, text), 15.90 KiB.

[11 Mar 2015 13:39] Chiranjeevi Battula
Hello Ameda NA,

Thank you for your feedback.
Since our discussion was mostly on 32/64 bit ODBC drivers and I noticed that the provided screenshot is of different.
could you please provide us exact screenshot?

[11 Mar 2015 18:55] Ameda NA
installed apps

Attachment: runtimes.png (image/png, text), 38.03 KiB.

[12 Mar 2015 5:27] Chiranjeevi Battula
Hello Ameda NA,

Thank you for your feedback.
Verified this behavior on MySQL Connector/ODBC 5.3.4 installation. 

[12 Mar 2015 5:27] Chiranjeevi Battula

Attachment: 75926.PNG (image/png, text), 28.05 KiB.