Bug #7592 Reverse DNS Lookups failing on Netware for MySQL
Submitted: 30 Dec 2004 18:24 Modified: 21 Sep 2005 14:11
Reporter: Bryan Thoreson Email Updates:
Status: Not a Bug Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:4.1.8, 5.0.12 OS:Novell NetWare (Netware 6.5 sp4)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[30 Dec 2004 18:24] Bryan Thoreson
I am running MySQL 4.1.8 on Netware 6.5 sp2. I am trying to connect to the MySQL server from a Windows 2003 Standard server, running VMware GSX 3.1, and there are 2 Windows 2003 Standard Guest OSes running also. The MySQL user account has a domain restriction for login. If I try to connect from either the Host or Guest OSes, it errors saying I'm coming from the raw IP instead of a DNS address.

I can ping the MySQL server from the Host/Guess with no problems. I can ping the Host/Guest DNS's from the Netware OS with no problems. It is only MySQL that cannot do the reverse lookup to the VMware box. MySQL has no problem doing the reverse lookup to a non VMware box. 

How to repeat:
try to log in to server from the VMware box

Suggested fix:
Either there is an issue with the Netware port of MySQL or the way VMware does it's bridging.  But why would VMware's method of bridging only affect MySQL on Netware and not the Netware OS?
[30 Aug 2005 15:45] Bryan Thoreson

This problem is scheduled to be fixed with the release of Novell's OES SP1 (Netware 6.5 SP4).  I am verifying that with Novell.

[30 Aug 2005 15:48] MySQL Verification Team

Thanks for the update.  I will test soon myself too.  Can you confirm that VMWare truly has no role in this bug ?

[21 Sep 2005 14:11] MySQL Verification Team
Setting to "Not a bug", since this is an issue with the LibC libraries on Netware and not a problem in MySQL code.  Novell is aware of those issues and working on a fix.