Bug #759 Not able to perform simple copy, paste in Table query windows
Submitted: 30 Jun 2003 6:23 Modified: 26 Jan 2005 21:34
Reporter: Ronan O'Connor Email Updates:
Status: Won't fix Impact on me:
Category:MySQLCC Severity:S4 (Feature request)
Version:0.9.2 OS:Linux (Redhat 8.0)
Assigned to: Jorge del Conde CPU Architecture:Any

[30 Jun 2003 6:23] Ronan O'Connor
Unable to copy field and then paste it to another field easily. It should be possible to select a field, hit ^c to copy this field, then select another field and hit ^v, to paste the data into this field. 
An extention to this would be allowing the selection of a number of fields, and then allowing copying and pasting of the selection (in a spreadsheet style).

Currently to carry out a paste procedure, you must double click twice and then ^c. 

How to repeat:
Open a Query window for a table. Select a field in this table. Hit ^c. (data is copied!). Select a field where this data should be pasted to. Hit ^v. Nothing happens.

Suggested fix:
Allow pasting into a field by single click of field followed by ^v
[26 Jan 2005 21:34] Jorge del Conde
Thank you for your interest in the MySQL graphical administration tools.
We recommend that you use our MySQL Administrator and MySQL Query
Browser.  The MySQLGUI and MySQL Command Center legacy products are
deprecated, and we are no longer maintaining those projects.

For more information on MySQL Administrator, see: