Bug #75631 Rquest for foreign key constrain on update cascade and native primary key update
Submitted: 26 Jan 2015 4:42
Reporter: Kingston Chan Email Updates:
Status: Open Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Cluster: Cluster (NDB) storage engine Severity:S4 (Feature request)
Version:7.3.8 GPL OS:Windows (2008)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: cluster, foreign key, ndb, primary key update, update cascade

[26 Jan 2015 4:42] Kingston Chan

My understanding of the matter is that foreign key ON UPDATE CASCADE constrains are not support due to the inability for the data node to do a native primary key update on a row. I read that there are plans to fix this but that was back in June 2012. 

Some may view this as not a very big limitation, for me and others (who use foreign keys extensively for data integrity), this has been a large thorn in trying to create proper database models that are "intelligent" instead of relying on applications to handle this (which always fails in some way). 

How to repeat:
Any SQL statements that have a ON UPDATE CASCADE in a foreign key constrain declaration will fail with an error message

Suggested fix:
Please implement native primary key updating so ON UPDATE CASCADE foreign key constrains can be implemented. Thank you!