Bug #75490 Closing sql tab moves focus to the first tab
Submitted: 13 Jan 2015 13:15 Modified: 19 Jan 2017 19:47
Reporter: Teodor Hadjiev Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench: SQL Editor Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:6.2.4 OS:Windows (Win7 x64)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: close, first, focus, regression, tab

[13 Jan 2015 13:15] Teodor Hadjiev
When we have more than two open SQL query tabs, and closing a tab on the right, the focus goes to the leftmost (first) tab instead of the tab on the neighbour-left of the closed tab.
In previous versions (at least up to 6.0.8) this was working right.
This breaks the logic and contributes to bad experience.

How to repeat:
Open a connection to a host. Open several query tabs (from the navigator - from several tables, right click menu - select records).
Try to close any tab that is not the first or the second.
The focus moves to the leftmost tab instead of to the tab that was on the left of the tab just closed.

Suggested fix:
When closing a sql tab, the focus should go the tab on the left of the closed tab, and not to the leftmost tab.
[13 Jan 2015 13:28] MySQL Verification Team
Hello Teodor Hadjiev,

Thank you for the report.
Confirmed this behavior on Win7 with Wb 6.2.4.
This behavior is different than 6.0.8.

[4 Mar 2015 23:56] Teodor Hadjiev
Ok, if this is verified, why it didn't find its way into 6.2.5 release?
It should have been a very minor bugfix. Now I'll have to stick to 6.0.8 at least for another 4 months because of another regression :( .
While other bugfixes do seem to be of much higher importance, this bug is one of those that hinder your everyday experience. Most of us work with many open tabs, not just two.
Latest versions seem buggier than ever before. Otherwise I wouldn't stay with 6.0.8 for soo long.
Do test versions before release, please.
[6 May 2015 9:20] Teodor Hadjiev
Is this goiing to be fixed ever?
It is not consistent with normal expectations tabs should behave and behave in other applications. And I see it is still present in the latest 6.3.3. Why introducing this bug if it was working normally in previous (than I don't know which version) versions?!
Another update that makes me stick to the old 6.0.8 :( . I'm using shareware apps most of the time but I would like to see this fixed and to use this app more. Because the other (otherwise numerous) bugs are not so dramatic for everyday usage.
[26 Jul 2015 10:25] Paul Weiss
Problem behavior not occurring for me in on Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium SP 1, 64-bit.
[3 Sep 2015 10:48] Teodor Hadjiev
Finally, confirmed fixed in 6.3.4.
[19 Jan 2017 19:47] Christine Cole
Posted by developer:
Fixed as of the upcoming Workbench 6.3.9 release, and here's the changelog entry:

When closing a tab in the SQL Editor, the focus always returned to the
first tab regardless of the number of tabs open. This fix returns focus to
the preceding tab (to the left) of the closed tab.

Thank you for the bug report.