Bug #75393 Clarify the way the table mysql.gtid_executed is updated.
Submitted: 2 Jan 2015 14:45 Modified: 21 Aug 2018 17:54
Reporter: Jean-François Gagné Email Updates:
Status: Open Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Replication Severity:S4 (Feature request)
Version:5.7.5 OS:Any
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[2 Jan 2015 14:45] Jean-François Gagné

At the URL below, the description of the way the table mysql.gtid_executed  is updated can be found:


In summary, it says that:
-if log_bin is OFF, the table is updated for each transaction,
-if log_bin is ON, the table is updated when the binary log are rotated.

This does not describe the case of a slave with binary logging enabled, but with log-slave-updates disabled.  I tested that case and the behavior is as if binary logging was disabled (when the transactions are executed in the SQL Thread).

Could the documentation be updated accordingly ?



How to repeat:
Not exactly a bug, more a documentation change, see description.
[19 Jan 2015 16:08] MySQL Verification Team
There is no need to describe that behavior, since DMLs from SQL thread  will not go into binary log when that option is not enabled.
[20 Aug 2018 11:29] Federico Razzoli
IMHO, what Sinisa wrote could be used as an argument to change a server behaviour, not to leave its documentation incomplete.
[21 Aug 2018 17:54] Jean-François Gagné
Related: Bug#92109.