Bug #75295 Unhandled exception: Not a string (on stopping a server) - Mysql Workbench
Submitted: 23 Dec 2014 4:01 Modified: 24 May 2018 15:18
Reporter: Advith Nagappa Email Updates:
Status: QA review Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench: Administration Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:6.2 CE, 6.2.4 OS:Windows (8 x64)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[23 Dec 2014 4:01] Advith Nagappa
Unhandled exception: Not a string message appears each time a server is shutdown via the Workbench Administration. 

However, the act of stopping the server via Workbench is successful. Only the message appears each time the action is taken via Workbench.

How to repeat:
Workbench > Administration - Startup/Shutdown > 'Stop Server'
[23 Dec 2014 4:14] Advith Nagappa
Unhandled exception: Not a string message appears each time a server is shutdown via the Workbench Administration. 

However, the act of stopping the server via Workbench is successful. Only the message appears each time the action is taken via Workbench.
[23 Dec 2014 4:43] MySQL Verification Team
Hello Advith Nagappa,

Thank you for the report.
Observed this behavior with WB 6.2.4(Win7) and MySQL 5.6.22 instances hosted on OL6. Confirmed that mysql instance is indeed stopped, but WB throwing exception at the end.

[23 Dec 2014 4:45] MySQL Verification Team

Attachment: 75295.png (image/png, text), 89.82 KiB.

[1 Apr 2015 2:10] Test Test
I can confirm. Windows 7, MySQL Workbench 6.2 CE