Please improve privilege granularity of optimize table.
The manual says "This statement requires SELECT and INSERT privileges for the table." However, the SELECT and INSERT privileges are the basic operations of a table and are usually granted to a user. Therefore, a user can issue "optimize table" too easily and cannot be prevented by DBA via the privileges control mechanism in MySQL. It causes unnecessary performance issue for a single MySQL instance and also leads to huge replication lag if there is a MySQL slave. The phenomenon mentioned above is very annoying for a DBA.
How to repeat:
1. Give a user has SELECT and INSERT privileges to a table.
2. The user with the privileges above can issue optimize table to the table if the user has SELECT and INSERT on the table.
Suggested fix:
Make "optimize table" as a new privilege to prevent a user with SELECT and INSERT privileges to optimize a table. Therefore, the DBA can safely grants a user SELECT and INSERT privileges but not grants the optimize privilege to prevent the user optimize a table but the user can still select and insert the table.